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Middle Grade Red and Pink Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Red and Pink Covers!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that have Red and Pink Covers!!!  As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let us get into the spirit of this holiday by reading some books that feature the two primary colors of this day.  Since we are choosing these books based on their front covers, then we have an amazing selecti

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Family History Corner

Which records should I be trying to get? Where do I get the records I need for my genealogy work?

Q: Which records should I be trying to get?

 Where do I get the records I need for my genealogy work?

Like any good artist there comes a time in the creative process where a decision must be made.  Should I put a mountain here or a tree over there?  What colors should I use, etc. to make everything look beautifully balanced on the canvas.  So also, should a genealogist make vital decisions to have their family canvas develop beautifully. 

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Middle Grade 2022 Award Winners Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--2022 Award Winners!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that are award winners!!!  A few weeks ago, the ALA Youth Media Awards were held which is basically the Oscars for books!  Held every year at the end of January, books win a variety of awards that range from the best book of the year to the best book with an exceptional portr

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Teen 2022 Award Winners Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--2022 Award Winners!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is focused on books that are award winners!!!  A few weeks ago, the ALA Youth Media Awards were held which is basically the Oscars for books!  Held every year at the end of January, books win a variety of awards that range from the best book of the year to the best debut novel by a debut author; there i

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Bird on a swing

Our Feathered Friends

February is a good time of year to turn our attention to our local birds. With the leaves off the (deciduous) trees, birds cannot hide from us as easily. We are more likely to spot birds and be able to look for field marks to identify them. February is also when the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) takes place. The GBBC provides an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to contribute to our knowledge of birds.

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Middle Grade Mythology Stories Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Mythology Inspired Stories!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is on books that feature  books that have been inspired by different mythologies!!  I love learning about mythology with all of the different gods, goddesses, monsters, heroes, and myths and all of our titles this week would not be here without their inspiration.

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YA Mythology Fiction Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Mythology Inspired Stories!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that feature books that have been inspired by different mythologies!!  I love learning about mythology with all of the different gods, goddesses, monsters, heroes, and myths and all of our titles this week would not be here without their inspiration.

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novelist logo

Database Spotlight: "NoveList K-8 Plus"

It's a New Year, and a perfectly good new time to learn about the Handley Regional Library System Digital Library! We are kicking off 2022 with our continued monthly series called "Database Spotlights" where we will highlight one of our databases, specifically focusing on youth and families. Do you want support when it comes to Homework Help? Are you looking to build your research skills? Let us share the wonders of our Digital Library with you and your family! Learn about some of our online databases that you can access for free with your library card. 

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Middle Grade Inner Artists Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Inner Artists!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is on books that feature  books with artistic characters!!!  When I think about being artistic, it is more than just painting and drawing and we have titles that feature not just those but photography, movie making, and collages to just name a few!!  Maybe some of these books will inspire y

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Teen Inner Artists Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Inner Artists!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that feature books with artistic characters!!!  When I think about being artistic, it is more than just painting and drawing and we have titles that feature not just those but photography, movie making, and collages to just name a few!!  Maybe some of these books will inspire you to explore

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A red dragon standing on all four feet.

Appreciate a Dragon

Have you ever wanted to ride a dragon? Dragons have been important to the world of fantasy for years. They have inspired many different stories, and they continue to do so today. In honor of Appreciate a Dragon Day that happened on January 16, here are some great picks all about dragons. Click the title to view the book in our catalog.


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picture of MLK letter


“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

To us at the Stewart Bell, Jr. Archives, these are words to live by.  We do not seek to manipulate the historical data entrusted to us, but rather to present an accurate picture of the people and events of our community. We members of the community are a multi-faceted bunch, each shaped by the past in ways unique to the individual; this is the legacy preserved in the archives. 

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