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Toast with beer glasses

What's in a Beer?

Beer is made from hops. Hops are plants. Therefore beer is a salad.Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying: “Beer is proof that God loves and wants us to be happy.” It is a good story even if it may not be true. I am happy with the rise of microbrews and craft breweries, favoring hoppy ales or IPAs over the typical American lagers.

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Middle Grade Holiday Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Holiday Inspired Novels!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is on books that feature holidays from this time of year as well as a little bit of cold weather.  Some of the holidays may be familiar to you as well as some you may have never heard of; we also have some titles that showcase how familiar holidays were celebrated in the past so we can see what traditions we still have and do not have today!  These books and more can be found by searching the catalog using the search tag

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YA Holiday Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Holiday Inspired Novels!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is on YA books that are all about holidays during this time of year as well as a little bit of cold weather!  This week, we have a unique gathering of fiction, nonfiction, and story collections; some mysterious, others romantic, and a handful all about friends and family.

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Teen Novels in Verse Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Novels In Verse!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is on YA books that are Novels in Verse!  Novels in verse are stories that are uniquely told through a series of poems instead of paragraphs; even if you are not the biggest fan of

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Annual Gingerbread Jamboree Returns – Virtually!

The popular program loved by kids and families, The Gingerbread Jamboree – will return this year, but on the library system’s Facebook page.  The Gingerbread Jamboree is an interactive program filled with a gingerbread read-aloud, puppet show, Grab-and-Go Kits for at-home fun, and more virtual experiences and surprises over Facebook Live. 

Gran-and-Go Kits include a craft, science experiment with an interactive video program that accompanies it on Facebook Live, a story retelling activity, and more!

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Watch the Skies This Month for the Geminid Meteor Shower

The Geminids are a favorite meteor shower, with the peak occurring this year on Sunday December 13. Undoubtedly, it was a Geminid meteor I saw one December night as a child, with my brothers, walking around our neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. Several characteristics help to make the Geminids a favorite. This shower can produce several meteors per hour, it is second only to the Perseids in August. Here, in August, the sky can be hazy with humidity impacting the view. December brings crisp air and the possibility of clearer skies.

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Little Noon Music

Little Noon Music: A Special Memorial Tribute to Madeline MacNeil

The Friends of the Handley Regional Library System and Little Noon Music present a musical memorial tribute to performer Madeline MacNeil, who passed away in March 2020.  Madeline performed for the library system for over 20 years. 

The musical tribute is free and open to the public and will be online.  MacNeil’s friend, Rich Follett, coordinated the recording of a tribute with area musicians performing their favorite MacNeil song. 

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