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Bowman Lake Trail

New Walking Trail at Bowman Library!

If you have been to the Bowman Library in recent weeks you probably noticed a lot of earth moving equipment in the parking lot. Frederick County Parks and Recreation has been very busy constructing the new walking trail around Lakeside Lake and we are excited about it!

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Middle Grade Hispanic Heritage Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Hispanic Heritage Month!!!

With it being Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th-October 15th), our middle grade book spotlight this week is on books that are authored by Latino and Latina authors!!!  These books are amazing and so many of these authors have written more than just the titles that are being featured--so if you like this one there are others you can read as well.  We have some

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Teen Hispanic Heritage Month Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Hispanic Heritage Month!!!

With it being Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th-October 15th), our teen book spotlight this week is on books that are authored by Latino and Latina authors!!!  These books are amazing and so many of these authors have written more than just the titles that are being featured--so if you like this one there are others you can read as well.  All of the titles fe

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Miss Betty

Archive’s Photograph of Betty Taylor Dandridge to be displayed at National Portrait Gallery

A photographic portrait of Betty Taylor Dandridge, daughter of U. S. President Zachary Taylor, is on its way to the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. for an exhibit on first ladies. The photograph was taken in 1860. “Miss Betty,” as she was known, served as the White House's official hostess during her father’s presidency and later settled in Winchester, Virginia with her second husband.

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Historical Piracy Performance

Tales of the Golden Age of Piracy Performance

In 1715, Angus “Quill” MacGregor, nephew of the infamous Highlander outlaw Rob Roy, sailed to the Caribbean to join the pirate rebellion fighting to place Catholic James Edward Stuart on the throne of Britain instead of the German-speaking Protestant George.

Joey Madia, actor, screenwriter, audio dramatist, playwright, novelist, and director will perform in-character as Angus with QA to follow.

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Community Conversations: Confederate Monuments

Join the virtual conversation on Zoom presented by The Clarke County Library and The Clarke County Historical Association.

For some, Confederate monuments represent Southern history and heritage.  To others, these monuments symbolize implied and systemic racism.  Now that many of these monuments are being removed, the debates over their symbolism have increased. What do these monuments mean to you and to the community? Join us in this online conversation to share your thoughts on this question and listen to other perspectives on this topic.

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Walking Mall Poet Virtual Program and Personal Poetry Sessions

You may be one of the fortunate that have seen the Walking Mall Poet, Joseph M. Jablonski, in action on the downtown Walking Mall in Winchester.  He writes personalized poems on the spot with his manual typewriter.   The Friends of the Handley Regional Library System is offering two ZOOM sessions with registration required on the library website, both free and open to the public, where you can meet him and have a personal poetry session.

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YA Sibling Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Siblings!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that feature siblings because you know family always leads to some crazy times and amazing memories!  We have a great mix of realistic, fantasy, historical, and dystopian; I love books that feature siblings because they can be featured in any genre.  These books and more can be found by searching the catalog using the s

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Middle Grade Sibling Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Siblings!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is on books that feature siblings because you know family always leads to some crazy times and amazing memories!  We have a great mix of realistic, fantasy, and even some classics that are just as good today as they were when they first came out; I love books that feature siblings because they can be featured in any genre. 

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Film Club

Winchester Alamo Film Club DVDs at the Library

The Show Must Go On!

When you think about public library offerings for patrons, material books are usually the first thing that comes to mind. Handley Regional Library System has a lesser known collection of unique DVD movies donated by partner Winchester Alamo Film Club that would satisfy even the greatest fan of cult, foreign, and independent films.

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Library Community Usage Report Released

Handley Regional Library System announces today the release of their annual library usage stats from fiscal year of July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020.  Overall reports showed continued community usage despite the COVID-19 pandemic.  The report reflects program and service usage at all 3 library locations – Handley Library, Bowman Library, and Clarke County Library.  These stats, along with others, are reported annually by the library system for funding and analysis of additional initiatives. 

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