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Teen New Books Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--New Books Pt. 10!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is focused on books that have recently been added to our collection meaning they are new!!!!  New books are the best; they have a new book smell and there is just something about being one of the first people to read it.  We are featuring some amazing fiction this time including titles from

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Teen Red and Pink Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Red and Pink Covers!!!

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Our Teen book spotlight this week is focused on books that have Red and Pink Covers!!!  As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let us get into the spirit of this holiday by reading some books that feature the two primary colors of this day.  Since we are choosing these books based on their front covers, then we have an amazing sel

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YA First in a Completed Series Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Completed Series!!!

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We have just started the new year and it is now time to start setting those goals and thinking about what we want to accomplish in 2023.  If you have a goal to read more books or even just to finish one, then this week’s teen book spotlight is perfect to help you jumpstart that mission.  Our teen book spotlight this week is

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Teen Nonfiction Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Nonfiction pt. 4!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is all about featuring some more amazing YA nonfiction titles!  It can be easy to think that nonfiction is boring but these titles are the complete opposite of that thought; we have everything from true crime to war history and biographies and you will not even realize you are reading nonfiction because the

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Teen Historical Fiction Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Historical Fiction Pt. 2!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is all about Historical Fiction!!!  Our titles this week are all historical fiction stories; this is one of my favorite genres because it provides an opportunity to read about times and events in history that many times we do not know much, if anything, about because they are not taught in typical school cl

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Teen 2012 YA Titles Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--2012 YA Titles!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that were published in 2012 and are celebrating their 10th birthday!  I do not know what was in the water, air, or universe that year but there were so many amazing titles and authors to come out of that year of publishing that books we read today are still inspired by those groundbreaking works.  Many have been adapted into movies we were clamoring to see in the theaters since 2012 and some titles we are still talking about and recommending to others.  There is a mixture of stand alone titles as well as firsts in a series to fant

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Teen Titles with Numbers Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Titles with Numbers!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that have numbers in their titles!!!  There are times when titles need more than just words to describe what is happening and to catch your attention as you browse the shelves.

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Teen Family Stories Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Family Stories pt. 2!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that are all about families!!  Let’s face it, love ‘em or hate ‘em, where would we be without our families (both by blood and the ones we choose)?  One of the things I love about YA is that there is such diversity throughout the collection and when it comes to books that feature families an

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Teen Book Spotlight Civil War Titles

Teen Book Spotlight--The Civil War!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is all about the Civil War!!  This time period in our history was one of our most horrific and devastating in numerous ways and impacted not only Americans at that time but we are still experiencing some of the ramifications today.  We have an amazing collection of fiction and nonfiction titles that ex

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Teen Native American Stories Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Native American Stories!!!

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With it being Native American Heritage Month, our teen book spotlight this week is on books that are either authored by Native American and Indigenous authors or feature characters representing this heritage!!!  These books are amazing and so many of these authors have written more than just the titles that are being featured--so if you lik

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Teen Author Characters Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Characters as Authors!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that feature a main character who is passionate about writing since it is the start of NaNoWriMo!  NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it takes place every November.  The goal of this month is to encourage individuals to explore their creative writing side; you set a goal

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Teen Favorite Thrillers Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Favorite Thrillers!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that are filled with thrills and suspense!!  These are the reads that are going to keep on the edge of your seat as you have no idea what is going to be on the next page.  You will find yourself holding your breath, either in fear or anticipation, and wanting to know what comes next; there

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YA Books to Screen Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Books to Screen Pt. 2!!!

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Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that have been made into movies!!  Let’s be real for a second--there are a ton of books that have been made into movies and the majority of them are not nearly as good as the source material.  The titles we are featuring this week are examples (at least in my opinion) of books that are bett

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