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Magzter Digital Library Collection

Access over 4,000 digital magazine titles on your computer or mobile device through Magzter!  The collection includes popular and diverse content, in multiple languages: 

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Korean
  • Vietnamese
  • Chinese
  • Arabic

How to Access

Use your browser or download the Magzter Library app on your smartphone. 

  1. Click "Continue with Library Card"
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Check your email and enter the access code (check your spam folder if you don't see the email)
  4. Search for Handley Regional Library
  5. Enter your library card number
  6. Start browsing for your favorite magazines! 

How Many Magazines Can I Read?

As many as you want!  Magzter gives you unlimited access to all its magazines with no wait times.  


magzter logo

With Magzter, you can access over 4,000 popular magazines to read digitally—right in your browser or on the Magzter app, available for Apple and Android. Discover titles across all your favorite genres, from lifestyle and entertainment to business, tech, and more!

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