2024 Tax Forms are Available!

All three branches have 2024 1040 Tax forms. Thank you for your patience!

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Study Rooms


Study rooms are available at Bowman and Handley branches on a first come, first-served basis. They are available free of charge for private or group study.

Study room guidelines and rules:

  • Patrons sign in at the Information Desk at Bowman and Greeter Desk at Handley to use a study room.  
  • At the Handley Library, each study room can accommodate a maximum of three persons.
  • At the Bowman Library, each study room can accommodate a maximum of six persons. Bowman study rooms are equipped with a table and four chairs. Two chairs from the table nearest the room may be moved into the room to allow for two more people. Patrons must return the chairs to their proper place when they leave the study room.  
  • Study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations are not taken for study rooms.
  • Study rooms may be used for up to two hours. Users may stay longer if there is no one waiting for the room. 
  • For safety reasons, do not leave children unattended in the study room. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior at all times. (See the Safe Library Policy)
  • Library staff cannot monitor personal items for study room users and the Library is not responsible for personal items left in the rooms. Items left in an unoccupied room longer than 15 minutes will be considered abandoned and staff may remove any of these items from the room.
  • Please leave the room in good condition. Do not leave trash on the table or floor of the study room. Trash should be disposed of properly in the trash container provided in the room or elsewhere in the library.   
  • Users who do not follow the above guidelines may be refused future study room use.

Bowman Library Lobby provides patrons and staff a safe and unimpeded access to the Library’s public spaces.

  • Tables and chairs have been provided for the comfort and convenience of patrons. They are intended to be used for reading, study, and conversation, and only minimum rearrangement of furniture by patrons is allowed. For instance, a chair may be moved from one table to another, but tables should not be moved.
  • Collecting petitions, fund-raising or other similar activities for any organization’s advocacy or promotion, except for the Friends of the Library and for Library activities, is prohibited on Library property.