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Creating independence: Let’s Sleep

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 Sleep is very important for everyone, especially your developing little’s brain. As soon as you get a routine into action, it often feels like your little starts going through a regression. Or perhaps sleep at night is great but napping is a struggle – and we all know that the child isn’t the only one that benefits from those naps. Although Handley Library cannot play caregiver and help with that bed time routine, we can offer great resources to assist in your child’s path to a successful INDEPENDENT sleep routine that can take away some of our parenting stress -while, hopefully, still leaving some hairs attached to your head!


  1. As a soon to be Family Place Library, in 2025 we will be offering parent-child workshops with each week focused on an area of development and connecting your family to specialists all while playing! We have a sleep specialist we would love to connect you with.
  2. Don't have much time now? Check out our new parent resource called: ParentTV full of excellent short research-based videos to help you get through every stage!
  3. Keep that routine consistent as much as you can. Sleep regressions aside, having a consistent time for bed with consistent expectations really helps your child recognize those patterns to help their body transition to sleep. As they age, if they know what to expect, they can then begin to take over on these tasks
    1. Bathroom needs
    2. Last few minutes of play to get that movement out
    3. Dim lights
    4. Reading and cuddles as the last thing
  4. Reading is a calming and educating activity. It is a great way to set an expectation for play to become calm and to give our kiddo something to look forward to before they are left alone for the night. Check out some of these great bed time specific reads for your little!
  5. Patience. Parenting is not easy, but trying to find a little more patience and sticking to it will be easier than struggling longer with inconsistency or reteaching. 


Happy Sleeping!