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Creating independence: Problem solvers

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Problem solving is something we are faced with many times everyday. Even things as simple as what am I cooking for dinner? Do I have all the ingredients? Now what? Each of these questions from one simple task of cooking a meal count towards solving problems. All of these questions are part of our organizing and planning then initiating system-- executive functioning. And when our executive function is struggling --whether as a child or senior-- initiating and following through on these tasks can be greatly overwhelming. So what do we do about it? We practice is constantly. Some ways Handley Regional Library can help us with this:

1) Going to the library. The planning and initiation of this is a life skill but with less stress than the grocery store or our job.

2) Chess. Planning is a cruel step and a positive coping skill that can help us --whether or not we struggle with executive functioning.

3) Legos. A great way to help us organize our thoughts and put plans into action to then test, without stress and hassle. Play is the best way to learn.

3) STEAM. Start with questions, connect those pieces, problem solve in unique ways and see if you can remain engaged throughout.

4) Scrabble. Scrabble is good for making the best out of what you are given while also manipulating your tasks to prioritize use.


We also have a great parent-teacher collection that can help you support your child and understand what they are going though. Happy Reading and Problem solving!