Online magazine access is moving to Magzter! Magazine access on Libby will be disabled on 9/30/22. Learn more about Magzter
Libby now has magazines!
You can now access top magazines – over 700 selections - on our Libby App! Patrons are already enjoying this app for popular eBooks and audiobooks here, now you can access even more digital content all in one place. Borrow popular magazines including National Geographic Kids, delicious, Us Weekly, HGTV Magazine, Reader’s Digest, and a lot more.
Access the magazine collection:
Magazines are provided by the Library of Virginia's Find it Virginia collection. Follow the link to access on your browser, or set up your Libby app to access the collection using these steps:
1. Tap the Libby face icon in the center of the bottom of your app.
2. Tap "add library"
3. Search for Library of Virginia
4. Select Library of Virginia in the results, and tap "choose another location."
5. Select "Handley Regional Library" from the results
6. Type in your HRLS card number!
Toggle between Blue Ridge Download Consortium and Library of Virginia under "your libraries" to switch between the ebook & audiobook collection and the magazine collection.
2 Ways to start browsing magazines:
1. Search by title on keyword in your Libby search bar
2. Change the format to magazines under the preference filter.