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Making Messes Storytime-At-Home

Making Messes BooklistThe youth library staff here at Handley Regional Library really misses all of our young patrons during this temporary closing. For this reason, we've been working to bring you content to enjoy at home. 

Head over to our Events section of our HRLS Facebook Page and you'll see them listed under "Upcoming Events". 

Ms. Donna and Ms. Cheryl recorded a very silly storytime last Wednesday and there was a lot of laughing as Silly Willy messed up his big performance. Watch it below!

Ms. Gina posted a Storybook Yoga to find here

For this week's storytime, we have a list of some great books you can pick up once the library is back open again, but until then, here are several great suggestions to make the most of our digital library.

Form our newest resource, Hoopla, you can enter your library card to check out up to three ebooks, audiobooks, video, and more each month with no waiting. Here are two "Messy" titles to try! 

Search for the Lock Mess Monster by Helen Lester and JoJo and the Big Mess by Jake O'Connor. 

Loch Mess MonsterJojo and the Big Mess

Through our OverDrive Blue Ridge Consortium you can find the book Tyrannosaurus Wrecks! by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen.

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

Even more options can be found at Tumblebooks, including the bilingual title, Oh, Crumps!

Oh Crumps

And no storytime, at home or anywhere, would be complete without songs, fingerplays, and some rhyming fun! Laurie Berkner has a great music video that is perfect for our theme. Check out I'm a Mess. 

Looking for more ideas? Here are some "messy" and "unmessy" songs to enjoy at home this week. 

Spaghetti in my tummy,
Spaghetti on my nose,
Spaghetti on my elbows,
Spaghetti on my toes.
Wipe it off my elbows,
Wipe it off my toes,
Oops! Here comes mommy!
I forgot my nose!

Wash your dirty hands 
Sung to: The Farmer in the Dell
Wash your dirty hands, 
Wash your dirty hands
Rub and scrub and rub and 
scrub and wash your dirty hands
(Wash knees, feet, hair, etc.)

Make a little mess
I really must confess,
I made a little mess.
My mommy washed me in the tub,
And now I'm clean and dressed!
Five Clean and Dirty Pigs
Five little pigs rolled in the mud
(roll hands)
Squishy, squashy, felt so good.
The farmer took one piggy out.
‘Oink, Oink, oink,’ the pig did shout!
(turn pig over to clean side)

Continue with four, three, two, until…

No little pigs rolled in the mud.
They all looked so clean and good.
The farmer turned his back and then,
Those pigs rolled in the mud again.

This is the Way
(To the tune: “Mulberry Bush”) 
This is the way we wash our hands
Wash our hands, wash our hands
This is the way we wash our hands
So early in the morning!

This is the way we wash our feet,
Wash our feet, wash our feet,
This is the way we wash our feet,
So early in the morning.

This is the way we wash our tummy,
Wash our tummy, wash our tummy,
This is the way we wash our tummy,
So early in the morning. 

Finally, although not in the theme of our storytime, but perhaps on the minds of children this week, with big acronyms and other confusing words all over the news, we have a good place for you to go with your children for kid-friendly information: Scholastic GO! Here you can look up the World Health Organization, CDC, and other agencies in the news to help explain things to your children. 

As promised, here is Ms. Donna's Wednesday storytime with Silly Willy! We'll see you next week, "live" on facebook!