🚧 Handley Library Parking Lot Closure 🚧

Starting Thursday, March 27, through Monday, March 31, the Handley Library parking lot will be closed for paving.

🔹 Book returns will not be accessible during this time.
🔹 Curbside pickup will be unavailable.
🔹 Please plan accordingly and return materials inside the library during open hours.

We appreciate your patience as we improve our parking lot! 📚🚗

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It's Time for Natsu Con!

Natsu Con Manga

Celebrating Japanese Anime and Beyond!

We’re just days away from the first annual Natsu Con at Bowman Library! Natsu, meaning “summer”, is a conference presented by the Teen Advisory Board to celebrate Japanese Anime and beyond, including comic books, fandoms, and anime fans of all ages. It all happens on Monday, July 29th, beginning at 1:00 PM. 

Highlights include some great speakers on topics important to the youth of today, beginning with Nick Coleman of the Crossroads Counseling Center who will take you through the issues that even superheroes encounter, and ending with an exciting opportunity to be a cartoonist with Paul Merklein of Great Big Faces! Character panels will give audiences a chance to meet and enjoy the enthusiasm of local cosplayers who will teach you about their favorite anime characters, along with a few outliers, such as a zombie slayer, superhero, and even a vocaloid! 

Throughout the day we’ll have some break-out sessions with other topics of interest. You can sign up to learn vocaloid and anime idol dancing with Maria Davis and Natalie Snyder, compete in our Masquerade contest for prizes, create a teru teru bōzu doll, learn some Japanese, watch some anime titles, and look through a VR headset at a world similar to the Oasis of Ready Player One. 

PrincessCosplay is a great way to join in the fun, whether you dress as an anime character, superhero, TARDIS traveler, Disney princess, Trekkie, slayer of vampires and zombies, or just a normie! (Come as you are, we won't judge!) 

Are you ready for the schedule? Here we go! 


Artist Alley Opens

Artists are being sought for the Artist Alley, and interested artists will want to contact Donna Hughes at 540-869-9000 x215 to request a table. 


Nick Coleman: Superheroes Have Issues Too (Meeting Room)

Break-out Session: Learn Japanese with Rina Riggs (Study Room 1)


Character Panelist Meeting: Register Here (Children’s Room)



Character Panel Presentations (Meeting Room)

Break-out Session: Crossroads Counseling (Study Room 1)


The Oasis of Ready Player One - sign up for 5-10 minutes to explore an environment in virtual reality from 3:00 - 5:00PM (Back of Meeting Room)


Mrs. Virginia, Brieanna King-Kulik: Take Ownership of Your Heart and Body (Meeting Room)

Preview of New and Favorite Anime Titles (Front Lobby)

Idol Dance! Learn to dance like your favorite vocaloids and school idols. No dance experience or costume necessary. (Children’s Room)


Break and Japanese Snacks  (Meeting Room)


Idol Dance Presentation (Children’s Room)


Masquerade and Cosplay Contest (Children’s Room)

Paul Merklein6:00   

Paul Merklein of Great Big Faces: Be a Cartoonist! (Meeting Room)


Artist Alley Closes

Masquerade Contest Winners and Closing Remarks

Idol dance participants and masquerade contestants will have the opportunity to sign up during the event. Cosplay Panelists should register in advance at https://www.handleyregional.org/natsuconcosplay.

Questions? Contact Donna Hughes at dhughes@handleyregional.org or 540-869-9000 x215.