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Teddy Bears Storytime

The days are getting shorter, and the cold winds are beginning to blow, making it the perfect time to cuddle up tight and read along with a child and their favorite teddy bear. So what is the perfect book to read with a teddy bear? We have some great suggestions for you with our tag: #myteddybear.

Teddy Bear Book List

Here are some favorite titles:

One Ted Falls Out of Bed by Julia Donaldson. After dark, the only place a teddy bear wants to be is tucked in bed with his child. But this poor ted has fallen out of bed. He’s not very good at climbing, and his child won’t wake up. How can he get back in?

My Friend Bear by Jez Alborough. Eddy and the Bear are both feeling sad. They both wish they had a friend to talk to. All they've got are their teddies, and teddies can't talk. Or can they?

Please Do Feed the Bears by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. Percy's family is going on a picnic, and he can't imagine being at the beach without his favorite stuffed animals. There's his teddy, his grizzly, his old black bear, his panda… But the car is jam-packed, and his family warns him that there isn't room. In order to bring his bear family, they'd have to leave something behind. And so, without thinking it through, Percy leaves something behind, with disastrous results. But in the end, Percy and his bears save the day.

My Bear and Me by Barbara Maitland. A little girl and her teddy bear do everything together. They sing together. They swing together. They ride together and they slide together. They nap together, and when they wake up -- watch out! Here they come, ready for fun! 

The Teddy Bear by David McPhail. The little boy and his teddy bear were always together. Every night, when the little boy went to sleep, his teddy bear was right there next to him. When the little boy went on a trip, his teddy bear went too—until one terrible day when the teddy bear was left behind . . . A compassionate tale of friends lost and found.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. Steve Scott brings life to this classic rhyme with simple, colorful illustrations that young children can easily relate to. What’s more, you can use this book to introduce a song to act out. They can use their favorite bear, or pretend to be the bear. 

Here are some wonderful Teddy Bear songs and rhymes to enjoy this week along with a coloring page!

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (Download your coloring page here.)

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around. 
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your nose
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, dance on your toes
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, jump up now,
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, take a bow.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, run upstairs.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say your prayers.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn out the light.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say good night.

Teddy Wore His Red Shirt 
(tune: Mary Wore Her Red Dress )

Teddy wore his red shirt, red shirt, red shirt
Teddy wore his red shirt all day long.
Teddy wore his blue pants….
Teddy wore his yellow hat….
Teddy wore his green socks….
Teddy wore his black shoes….

Ten Teddy Bears Sleeping in the Bed
By Susan Pflug (1990)
Ten little teddy bears sleeping in the bed,
Five at the foot and five at the head.
One little teddy said, “This bed is TOO full!”
So he grabbed the blanket and started to pull.
He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more,
Until two little teddies went BOOM to the floor!
(Make pulling motions with PULL and clap with the BOOM)
(Count down until…)
One little teddy bear sleeping in the bed,
Zero at the foot and one at the head.
This little teddy said, “This is not right!
I don’t want to sleep alone tonight!”
So… One little teddy bear sleeping in the bed,
Zero at the foot and one at the head.
This teddy said, “This bed is NOT full!”
So he put out his paw and started to pull.
He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more,
Until four little teddies climbed up from the floor!
(Count up until…)
Ten little teddy bears sleeping in the bed,
Five at the foot and five at the head.
One little teddy said, “This is JUST right!”
So ten little teddy bears said, “Good Night!”