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Teddy Bears Storytime

Teddy Bears BooklistAs we continue our Toy Story celebration of "Library Card Sign-up Month" here at Handley Regional Library System, we will turn towards one of the most beloved toys of the last century, teddy bears! 

Did you know the teddy bear was named after Theodore Roosevelt, who was commonly known as "Teddy"? As the story goes, "Teddy" Roosevelt was on a hunting trip where members of the hunting party had cornered a black bear. The bear had been chased to exhaustion by hounds and tied to a willow tree. When they suggested Roosevelt shoot the animal, he refused, saying it was unsportsmanlike. Later after a cartoon was made of the incident, showing a cute little bear tied up, it inspired a businessman named Morris Michtom to create a teddy bear, which he placed in a window and named it, "Teddy's Bear". The toy was an immediate success and has been bringing children cuddly joy ever since. 

Teddy bears area  wonderful way for children to learn empathy, just as Theodore Roosevelt showed towards the black bear. Perhaps this is why the toy has been so popular? 

Here is a lullaby your child can use to calm down in the evening through rocking a bear to sleep. 

You can find many wonderful books about teddy bears at all three branches of the Handley Regional Library System. Type in the tag: #myteddybear into the search bar for a list. You can also search our CD and DVD collections for many teddy bear inspired songs and movies to take home. 

Here are more songs for Teddy to act out, dance out, and count out. 

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around. 
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, that will do.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, run upstairs.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say your prayers.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, blow out the light.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say good night.

Teddy Wore His Red Shirt 
(tune: Mary Wore Her Red Dress )

Teddy wore his red shirt, red shirt, red shirt
Teddy wore his red shirt all day long.
Teddy wore his blue pants….
Teddy wore his yellow hat….
Teddy wore his green socks….
Teddy wore his black shoes….
Ten Teddy Bears Sleeping in the Bed
By Susan Pflug (1990)
Ten little teddy bears sleeping in the bed,
Five at the foot and five at the head.
One little teddy said, “This bed is TOO full!”
So he grabbed the blanket and started to pull.
He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more,
Until two little teddies went BOOM to the floor!
(Make pulling motions with PULL and clap with the BOOM)

(Count down until…)

One little teddy bear sleeping in the bed,
Zero at the foot and one at the head.
This little teddy said, “This is not right!
I don’t want to sleep alone tonight!”

So… One little teddy bear sleeping in the bed,
Zero at the foot and one at the head.
This teddy said, “This bed is NOT full!”
So he put out his paw and started to pull.
He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more,
Until four little teddies climbed up from the floor!

(Count up until…)

Ten little teddy bears sleeping in the bed,
Five at the foot and five at the head.
One little teddy said, “This is JUST right!”
So ten little teddy bears said, “Good Night!”