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Toy Trunk Storytime!

Storytimes have returned, just in time for our Library Card Sign-up Month! The Toy Story characters are helping us spread the word and are the inspiration for this week's storytime theme, Toy Trunk. 

Library Card Sign Up Month

During the month of September we love to remind everyone how much power one little card can hold. In fact, as Buzz would say, it takes you, "To Infinity and Beyond!" With a library card you have access to a multitude of books to check out, audiobooks, nature backpacks, Launchpads, graphic novels, video games, and more! Plus, there are online ebooks and other resources through our library website, and all free with a library card. So apply for your power device, uh, library card today. 

Toy Trunk Books

This week at storytimes we will be celebrating toys with stories, songs, and toy-inspired fun all week. Look up the tag: #toytunk in the library catalog and find books to take home. You can even check out books on creating your own toys, just like Bonnie made Forky in Toy Story 4. 

How about making a puppet? Puppets are favorite toys here at the library. They are special toys that help promote multiple areas of learning and development in children. Through a puppet, children can have a boldness they may not feel as themselves, perhaps giving them courage in using their voice to sing, practice vocal expressions, and emotional awareness. 

When you create your own puppet, you add a creative art element with personalization! Here is a video tutorial, courtesy of Parent.com.

Finally, here are some toy-inspired songs to learn and enjoy.

Bumpin’ Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon
Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon
Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon
Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon
Won’t you be my darling?
One wheel’s off and the axel’s broken…
I’m gonna fix it with my hammer…
Bumpin’ up and down in my little red wagon…

A Little Ball
A little ball, 
(form circle with thumb and finger)
A bigger ball, 
(form circle with hands)
A great big ball I see.
(form circle with arms)
Now let’s count them.
Are you ready?
One, (form circle with arms)
Two, (form circle with hands) 
Three! (form circle with thumb and finger)
My Toys 
(Tune of Mulberry Bush) 
I have a cuddly teddy bear; 
(Hug arms to chest)
I take him with me everywhere.
(Spread hands wide)
A big balloon that I can blow
(Cup hands to mouth; blow)
And watch it grow and grow and grow.
(Move hands outward, enlarging circle)
My rag doll flops upon my bed, 
(Hang arms and head limply)
My tricycle is painted red.
(Pedal with hands)
All the little girls and boys
(Spread arms wide)
Think it’s fun to play with toys.
(Hug arms to chest)

Jack in the Box
Jack in the box, quiet as a mouse,
(crouch low, with a “shhhh”)
Sits inside his little dark house.
(make a “roof” over head with hands)
Jack in the box, sits so still. 
Will you come out? 
Yes, I will! (Jump up!)