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Myths, Fairy Tales, and stories Grandma Told

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History & Genealogy

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Allowed Ages: 14 and up

Program Description

Event Details

Expert genealogist Charles S. Mason Jr. will give a presentation titled "Myths, Fairy Tales, and stories Grandma Told".  While researching his own family history, Mr. Mason uncovered secrets that he and other family members never knew about.  We all have family gems that will enrich our family history for good or bad.  Family stories are part of the fun of doing genealogy.  However, what stories should you share and which ones should die out from following generations?  What are some of the legal and ethical rules to revealing family secrets? Come join us for this interesting program. 


Charles S. “Chuck” Mason, Jr., is a Professional Genealogist SM, specializing in Southern New Jersey and 19th and 20th Century Death Records.  Chuck is a member of both the Fairfax and the Mt. Vernon Genealogical Societies, served in various positions on the board of both societies including President (FXGS 2008-2009 and MVGS 2000-2002).   

Chuck is a graduate of NGS’s American Genealogy: Home Study Course, (1994), is an instructor for the NGS course Beyond the Basics.  He teaches genealogy classes for the Fairfax County Adult and Community Education (ACE) program.  He has lectured at many of the genealogical societies in the Washington DC area, and in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.  He has had articles published in the National Genealogical Society’s magazine, the National Association of Retired Federal Employees, and a number of genealogical society newsletters. 

Chuck is the host of Tracing Your Family Roots on Fairfax Cable Television Channel 10.  Rebroadcasts of the show can be viewed at their website.