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Virtual Trivia! Zoom Edition!

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Program Type:

Virtual Programs

Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 18 to Over 18

Program Description

Event Details

Join us on June 19th on Zoom for our second adult Services Virtual Trivia Game! The game will entail two rounds of questions from all different categories. Bring your thinking cap, some of the questions aren't easy! (Registration is required and is open now!)

How it works:

The first 15 minutes our Host, Todd will explain to the participants how the game works. We will send you the zoom link a few hours before the program so you can join us. Video isn't required (although we'd love to see your faces, we miss seeing them around the library), however you must use the voice feature on zoom to answer the trivia questions. Todd will let you know how to use the "buzzer" feature for our game that you will have to use to "buzz in" to answer questions and explain the rules of the game.