One in five people have a sexually transmitted infection. Free STI testing is provided by Aids Response Effort of Winchester. Testing is discrete. No registration required.
🚧 Handley Library Parking Lot Closure 🚧
Starting Thursday, March 27, through Monday, March 31, the Handley Library parking lot will be closed for paving.
🔹 Book returns will not be accessible during this time.
🔹 Curbside pickup will be unavailable.
🔹 Please plan accordingly and return materials inside the library during open hours.
We appreciate your patience as we improve our parking lot! 📚🚗
Enjoy an early literacy program for active toddlers focused on developmental skills consisting of stories, rhymes, fingerplays, and more. Then, stay and play while meeting new community members. Ages 16 months-3 years.
Welcome to Play and Explore!
Library Consent Statement for Photography and Video
Programs, events, and daily happenings sponsored by Handley Regional Library System may be photographed or recorded. Attendance at any sponsored program, event or general library use constitutes the consent of all attendees and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, and other use of photography or videos at the sole direction of Handley Regional Library System.
Photography Notification
While we do allow professional photography inside the property of Handley Regional Library System, we do ask that we are notified ahead of time of photoshoots at 540.662.9041 x 25. Photography activities may be limited to specific areas due to reserved use and cannot impede any patron activity using the library.
Come play games, color, and hangout with friends!
Board games, coloring sheets and colored pencils, and LEGO bricks will be available, or bring your own activities!
Ages 6-11.
Library Consent Statement for Photography and Video
Programs, events, and daily happenings sponsored by Handley Regional Library System may be photographed or recorded. Attendance at any sponsored program, event or general library use constitutes the consent of all attendees and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, and other use of photography or videos at the sole direction of Handley Regional Library System.
Join us for our evening Book Club at 6 pm on the first Thursday of the month at Clarke County Library!