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RB Digital eBooks and Audiobooks Moving to Libby

Ebooks and Audiobooks are moving from RBdigital to Libby Reading App

This means more titles and an improved selection on the popular Libby App!

Notice from the Vendor:   Starting 12/2, RBdigital will turn off access to eBook and audiobook content in the RBdigital app as we move the titles to OverDrive. The content transfer itself may take a few hours and once complete, it could take up to 24 hours for the titles to fully populate. RBdigital will post a message in the RBdigital app as soon as possible and will redirect users to OverDrive after it’s completed.

Ebooks checked out in the RBdigital app will be available through the remainder of the lending period, so readers can finish the title without disruption.

Why is this Happening?

OverDrive, the leading digital reading platform for libraries and schools worldwide and creator of the Libby app, recently acquired RBdigital. 

Benefit to Our Patrons

Libby is a powerful, easy to use app.  The addition of new titles means an enhanced selection and availability of your favorite eBooks and Audiobooks in Libby! 

What About Holds?

Holds will not be moved, but library patrons may export their Transaction History from the RBdigital app then borrow or place holds on those titles again in Libby. You may export your Transaction History from the RBdigital websites by accessing My Account > Profiles.

What About Magazines?

Magazines will soon be moved over to Libby from RBdigital, however we are still getting clarification on timing.  We will update when we have that information. 

Where Else Can I Get Ebooks?

You can also use Hoopla, our online streaming platform for eBooks, audiobooks, music, movies, and more.  See https://www.handleyregional.org/hoopla for more information.

For help or questions, please contact info@handleyregional.org