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Meeting Room Policy

Last Updated Date

Library facilities are equipment, buildings, and grounds that are owned by the regional library system. The primary purpose of facilities is to support the regional library system operations. However, the Handley Regional Library Board encourages use of facilities by individual groups, and organizations when they are used for educational, cultural, civic, social, government, or general purposes and their use does not interfere with library operations.

The Board reserves the right to withdraw facilities from use at anytime for any reason. 

Procedures for governing the use of the Handley Regional Library Facilities shall be promulgated by the director.


The following policies govern the use of the Library meeting spaces:

  • Meeting rooms shall be available on equal terms to various groups engaged in legal activities in the community regardless of the beliefs and affiliations of their members. The Library Board will hold the authorized representative of the organization responsible for the costs of damages to library facilities. Likewise, the Handley Regional Library will requires that such representatives sign that the organization will hold the library harmless for claims, liabilities, and/or damages directly or indirectly related to the use of library facilities.
  • The Library and the Friends of the Library will not be charged for their functions. 
  • All meetings must be open to the general public. The Library reserves the right to monitor all meetings held on its premises.
  • No admission may be charged and no sales may be conducted unless sponsored by the Library. Personal information may not be solicited from program attendees unless required by governmental required regulations.
  • Granting permission to use Library facilities does not constitute an endorsement of the organization or its members’ beliefs by the Library staff or Library Board. Publicity for the event should not imply Library sponsorship or affiliation.