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Program Policy

Last Updated Date

Program Policy for Handley Regional Library System

Programming is crucial to the Handley Regional Library System's goal to be a resource for the communities we serve by creating connections to inform, entertain and educate. Programming is an important means of attracting new patrons to all branches of the Handley Regional Library System and promoting literacy.

  1. All programs presented at Handley Regional Library System (HRLS) must be open to the public without charge.
  2. No person shall be prevented from participating in or attending a program at HRLS because of age, gender, identity, race, national/geographic origin, creed, religion, political affiliation, or veteran status.
  3. The HRLS and/or the Friends of the Handley Regional Library System (FHRLS) may join with other agencies or organizations in sponsoring programs deemed worthy and relevant by the HRLS and/or  FHRLS.
  4. Within reason, HRLS sponsored and FHRLS sponsored programs on religion, politics or other potentially controversial issues will be balanced, or opportunities will be provided for programs reflecting other viewpoints.
  5. HRLS and  FHRLS  programs are held in physical accessible  locations.
  6. Timely and adequate public announcement shall be made of all programs sponsored by Handley Regional Library System or the Friends of Handley Regional Library System.
  7. Programming at HRLS shall be offered on a year‑round basis with occasional breaks to allow opportunity for planning and to avoid scheduling programs during periods when the weather is likely to be bad. Programs shall be scheduled at a variety of times so that no one will be constantly prevented by their  schedule or habits from attending programs.
  8. Programs sponsored by the HRLS or FHRLS shall be designed to appeal to a broad range of ages, tastes, and interests. Efforts shall be made to encourage participation by all segments of the community regardless of background or economic status. Efforts shall be made to solicit program ideas from staff and from the public.
  9. No individual or organization shall use a program sponsored by the HRLS to advertise or to recruit members or customers. Individuals, such as performers and published authors will be permitted to sell their creative products (CDs, books) only if the HRLS or FHRLS has agreed in advance to such an arrangement.
  10. The effectiveness of programs shall be evaluated not only based on attendance, but also on such factors as audience satisfaction, attraction of new patrons to HRLS, the promotion of other library goals and fulfillment of a need to address the concerns of a specific target audience.
  11. Programs presented at HRLS, but not sponsored by Handley Regional Library System or Friends of Handley Regional Library System, shall not be represented as being endorsed by the HRLS. All groups using the library for programs must follow the guidelines established by the Meeting Rooms Policy.

November 15, 2021