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Social Media Policy

Last Updated Date

Handley Regional Library selects carefully chosen Social Media tools as an important enhancement to communication, collaboration and information exchange among Library staff, Library users and the general public.  The Library recognizes that new tools will emerge that have useful application in the Library setting; thus, this policy addresses Social Media in general.

Library Social Media offerings are intended to create a welcoming and inviting online space where Library users may find useful and entertaining information. In some forums, users may be able to interact with Library staff and other Library users.

Social Media content shall adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and policies, including all information technology and records management policies. Library staff shall adhere to applicable procedures.

This policy and any posted user responsibilities apply to all staff and patrons, whether or not they are registered with Handley Regional Library.


“Social Media” is defined as any facility for online publication and commentary, including but not limited to blogs, wikis, and social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).

“Library” refers to the Handley Regional Library.

“Posting” refers to any writing, image, video, download, audio file, and hyperlinks to other websites or media that is downloaded, referenced, inserted, or placed upon any Library Social Media site.

Social Media Procedures

  • The names of pages or accounts should clearly represent the Library with the Library logo when appropriate.
  • Decisions regarding new Social Media outlets are made by the Library Director or her/his designees.  Any department, branch or Friends groups interested in starting a new Social Media page should obtain prior authorization by  presenting to the Marketing Committee, who will then present the idea to the Library Director or her/his designees.
  • All content is reviewed and is subject to being edited or deleted by the Library Director or her/his designees.
  • Where possible, each Social Media page should clearly indicate that it is maintained by the Library and should have the Library contact information prominently displayed.
  • Where possible, Social Media pages should link to the Library’s official website and this Social Media policy. 
  • User discussion and contribution on Library Social Media sites are subject to the Internet Use Policy where applicable.  This shall be clearly indicated on the Social Media page that invites participation.

Staff Responsibilities

When Library staff members use or interact with Library Social Media, behavior and content are a reflection not only of the staff member, but also of the Library.  This policy complements, rather than overrides, any existing requirements that staff act professionally, respectfully and honestly.

If a staff member is about to publish anything that makes him or her even the slightest bit uncomfortable, he/she should  discuss it with a supervisor or the Marketing Committee Co-Chairs.


Social Media User Responsibilities

By choosing to comment on Handley Regional Library (HRL) Social Media sites, public users agree to the following terms:

1. Comments are moderated by HRL staff, and HRL has the sole discretion to reject or to remove comments that do not adhere to these terms.

2. Users may not post comments, tags and images that impinge upon another's privacy or that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory. Violations include, but are not limited to:

  • off-topic and/or disruptive posts
  • commercial promotions or spam
  • duplicated posts from the same individual
  • threatening language and personal attacks
  • private, personal information published without consent
  • obscene, sexist, racist or libelous content
  • copyright infringement/plagiarized material
  • political advocacy
  • posts that violate laws or Library policies

3. Users of all ages have the responsibility to protect their privacy and should not post personally identifying information, such as last name, school, age, phone number or address. HRL does not act in place of, or in the absence of, a parent.

4. Persons who repeatedly violate these terms may be barred from further postings.

5. By posting on the HRL Social Media sites, the user gives HRL permission to use his/her name or username, profile picture, and the content of any posting he/she make without compensation or liability on the part of the Library. This permission ends when the posting is deleted.

Approved by Handley Regional Library Board March 21, 2017