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Holmes Conrad Collection

Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17

893 THL

Inventory created by Archives Staff 11/1998. Last revised 04/2022.

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.

EXTENT: 3.55

CREATOR: Conrad, Holmes

DATE: 1840 -1920


The Holmes Conrad Collection contains documents concerning legal cases in which Conrad served as an attorney. The papers cover cases of litigation between the states of Virginia and West Virginia before the U.S. Supreme Court, and cases presented to the Virginia Supreme Court as well as Virgnia’s lower courts. The materials span a time period from late 1860s through to the early 1900s.

There are also miscellaneous papers from Conrad and his family, including stock certificates, receipts, notebooks, and drafts of speeches, as well as a number of religious pamphlets

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: Holmes Conrad was born in Winchester, Virginia, on January 31, 1840, to Robert Young Conrad and Elizabeth Whiting Powell. He attended Winchester Academy, Virginia Military Institute (VMI), and University of Virginia. During the Civil War, he rose from private to major, becoming Assistant Inspector General of Rosser’s Cavalry Division. After the war, he studied law while working in his father’s law office. He was admitted to the bar in 1866.

Conrad was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, representing Winchester and Frederick County, in 1878. He created a thriving law practice in Washington, DC and handled several cases in the federal courts. In 1893, he was appointed Assistant Attorney General of the U.S., and in 1895 he became Solicitor General. He continued to be involved in cases before the Supreme Court for over 20 years despite presidential administration changes. In 1901, he took up a faculty position in the Georgetown University law school. He was also the first president of the Handley Board of Trustees and continued in that capacity until his death. Holmes Conrad was married twice and had seven children. He died on September 4, 1915, and is buried in Mt. Hebron Cemetery in Winchester.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Quarles, Garland R. Some Worthy Lives. Winchester, VA: Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, 1988.

CITE AS: Holmes Conrad Collection, 893 THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.




1.  News Articles, Obituary—Holmes Conrad, 12 leaves, printed (photocopy)

2.  Ashby, Turner—death of, article from Old Guard Magazine, August 1866

3.  Atkinson, John Mayo Pleasants -- memorial address

4.  Certificates—3 items (folder contains the following):

  • Appointed commissioner to represent Virginia at Centennial Celebration, 1889
  • Certify by Board of State Canvassers that Holmes Conrad was Elected to House of Delegates, 1881

5.  Conrad, Georgia Bryan – Application for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution, 4 pages, printed and typescript

6.  Conrad, Georgia Bryan, wife of Holmes Conrad, -memories, written April 8, 1916, 4 leaves, manuscript

7.  Conrad, Georgia Bryan –Notes, 1 leaf, manuscript

8.  Conrad, Georgia Bryan –“Reminiscences of a Southern Woman”, booklet reprinted from The Southern Workman, 5 items, 4 printed booklets, 10 leaves printed (photocopy)

9.  Conrad, Holmes–Correspondence and miscellaneous notes, 1856-1907, 7 envelopes with Manuscript; 26 leaves manuscript; 14 pages manuscript; 4 leaves manuscript on printed form; 1 leaf typescript (photocopy)

10. Conrad, Holmes –Miscellaneous, 30 items, manuscript and printed

11.   Conrad, Miss Carter Bryan, great granddaughter of Holmes Conrad, postcard to Miss Bryan, 1 postcard, manuscript

12.  Conrad, Holmes – notebooks, no date, could be draft of a speech or paper, 2 items, 70 leaves, manuscript

13.  Conrad, Holmes – notebook, no date, appear to be drafts of speeches, 1 item, 62 leaves, manuscript

14.  Conrad, Holmes – notebook, no date, appear to be drafts of Speeches, 1 item, 37 leaves, manuscript

15.  Conrad, Holmes – Personal Stock Certificates, 7 items, printed and manuscript

16.  Conrad, Holmes –Receipts and promissory notes, 1868-1886, 13 leaves manuscript on printed form, 3 pages manuscript, 1 leaf manuscript on printed form, 2 pages manuscript

17.  Conrad, Holmes –Speeches, scrapbook, compiled by Georgia Bryan Conrad, 1 item

18.  "County Court System of Virginia – Its Place in History," read by Holmes Conrad, August 5, 1908, 3 copies, printed

19.  Democratic Nominating Convention, August 28, 1878, 16 pages, printed

20. Handley Board of Trustees reports, 1900, 1916, 1920, 3 items, printed

21.  Library of Holmes Conrad, 1916, contents of library, typescript (original)

22.  Massachusetts Historical Society Journal, 1911, 28 pages, printed

23.  McGuire, Dr. Hunter – Address at VMI, 1897, 1 item, printed

BOX 2 Pamphlets

  1. "Manual of Presbytery of Winchester," March, 1897, 1 item, printed
  2. "Manual of the Presbytery of Winchester, " October, 1881, 1 item, printed
  3. "Presbyterian Church in the USA against Reverend Charles A. Briggs, D.D.," pamphlet, 3 items, printed
  4. Addresses delivered before Winchester Presbytery, April 29, 1897, 1 item, printed
  5. Presbyterian Church, Staunton, Virginia - 1804-1893
  6. Reconstruction rules – Headquarters, First Military District, Richmond VA, May 21, 1869
  7. Religious tracts – 12 items, printed (folder includes the following):
  • "Originality of the Character of Christ," by George Matheson
  • "A Plea and Plan for Church Unity," by Reverend Francis Granger, 1892
  • "Influence of Presbyterian Polity on Civil and Religious Liberty in Virginia," by John Randolph Tucker, 1888
  • "Notes on the State of the Church on the Question of Revision," by C. W. Andrews, 1874
  • "Paul the Missionary," by William Graham
  • "The Cathedral System Adapted to Our Wants in America," by Reverend Francis Granger, 1891
  • "Catholic or Protestant," by Reverend John P. Peters, 1917
  • "The Deep Things of God," by Reverend Thomas Morrow, 1867
  • "Argument of Colonel John M. Patton -Validity of Ministerial Orders," 1876
  • "The Divine Plan of Church Finance," by Reverend Francis Granger, 1891
  • "The Parish or Vestry System of Protestant Episcopal Church, USA," 1891
  1. South Mountain copper belt
  2. The Public Debt of Virginia, by Frank G. Ruffin, Richmond VA, 1885, 63 pages, printed
  3. University of Virginia – alumni bulletins, 1912, 1918, 1922, 3 items, printed
  4. Virginia financial reports – 5 items, printed (folder contains the following):
  • "Virginia's Obligation for the Payment of Principal and Interest . . ."
  • "The Public Debt"
  • "Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly"
  • "House Bill No. 339," by Mr. Duty, February 16, 1915
  • Political Science Quarterly, December 1915
  1. Virginia General Assembly – 3 items, printed (folder contains the following):
  • "Acts of the General Assembly Passed at the Extra Session, July 1, 1861
  • "Acts of the General Assembly Passed at the Regular Session, December 2, 1861
  • "Acts of the General Assembly Passed at the Extra Session," December 4, 1862
  1. West Virginia Debt – 6 items, printed (folder contains the following):
  • "West Virginia Debt, Certificate Holders' Agreement”, March 6, 1900
  • "Governor Hatfield's Special Message on Virginia Debt", February 5, 1915
  • "West Virginia Debt," March 1894
  • "Memorial to the West Virginia Legislature," 1899
  • "The Facts about West Virginia's Equitable Proportion of Debt Incurred by Virginia", n.d.
  • "West Virginia's Demand upon the Treasurer of the U.S., Direct Tax War of 1861"
  1. West Virginia legislative acts, 1913
  2. Winchester Inn
  3. Woods, Pat – arraigned before the House of Representative of the U.S. on a charge of contempt


  1. “Final Report of the Virginia Commissioners on the Maryland and Virginia Boundary to the Governor of Virginia.” Richmond; R.F. Walker, Supt. Public Printing, 1874, 221 pages, printed
  2. “Is Virginia Entitles to Compensation for the Cession of the Northwest Territory to the National Government?” by E. Hilton Jackson before the Virginia State Bar Association, Aug.6-8, 1912, Richmond, VA, 36 pages, printed
  3. Pamphlets, Vol.1 and 2.  Vol.1 includes: “Lee the Christian Hero” by Rev. Randolph H. McKim.

BOX 2B Pamphlets Vol. 3 and 4 (Pamphlets have been bound)

  1. Volume 3 includes the following:
  • Speech of Hon. John Randolph Tucker, of Virginia Delivered to the House of Representatives, Friday April, 4, 1879”; “Address of Hon. John T. Morgan on the Unveiling of the Monuments to the Unknown Confederate Dead, Delivered at Winchester, VA, June 6, 1879”
  • “Ceremonies Connected With the Inauguration of the Mausoleum and the Unveiling of the Recumbent Figure of Gen. Robert E. Lee, at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, June 28, 1883”
  • “Address of Major John W. Daniel, (formerly Asst. Adgt. Gen., C.S.A. on the staff of Gen. Jubal A. Early)…” Richmond, VA, Oct.28, 1875 –address concerns the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg
  • “The Campaign and Battle of Chickamauga, an Address Delivered Before the Virginia Division Army of Northern Virginia Association…Richmond, VA, Oct.25, 1881” by Archer Anderson
  • “In Memoriam, General Robert E. Lee, Ceremonies at Winchester, VA, Jan. 19, 1871” by Col. F.W.M. Holliday
  1. Volume 4 includes the following:
  • “Physical Survey of Virginia.  Her Geographic Position; Its Commercial Advantages and National Importance” by M.F. Maury, LL.D., Prof. Of Physics, V.M.I., March 1869

BOX 3 Legal cases

  1. Bank of the Valley in Virginia vs. James Marshall
  2. Boyce and Wright vs. McCaw - Clarke County
  3. Brent vs. Roberts Legatees
  4. Carter vs. Noland
  5. Cazenove vs. the Washington, Ohio, and Western Railroad
  6. Cazenove vs. Clarke County
  7. Clowser vs. Hall
  8. Conrad, Trustee, vs. Buck et al.
  9. Conrad, Holmes, vs. Latrobe & Dobbin, Trustees, et al.
  10. Douglas vs. Stephenson's Executor
  11. Glaize, John, and J. G. Rinker vs. George Glaize and W. L Clark
  12. Hansucker et al. vs. George F. Walker et al.
  13. Herring vs. Lee et al.
  14. Kern, Barr, and Company vs. Wyatt and Company
  15. Lickliter vs. Shepard
  16. Long vs. Strayer et al.
  17. McCormick vs. The Winchester, Welltown, and Berkeley County Turnpike Company
  18. Meade vs. Grigby
  19. Merrit vs. Swimley
  20. Miller, Thomas M., Executor, vs. Joseph M. Miller
  21. Morgan, John - investigation of charges preferred before a military commissioner
  22. Osburn vs. Castleman
  23. Richardson's Executrix vs. Gibbens et al.
  24. Sangston vs. Gordon and Riley
  25. Vilwig, John, vs. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Company et al.
  26. Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company vs. Aiken
  27. Williams' Administrators vs. Shinker and Wife
  28. Winchester, City of, vs. Supervisors of Frederick County
  29. Woods Executor et al. vs. Krebs


  1. Ambrouse Heirs vs. Keller
  2. Bank of the Old Dominion vs. Townsend McVeigh
  3. Bower et al. vs. McCormick et al.
  4. Brent vs. Roberts' Legatees
  5. Campbell's Administrator vs. Burns
  6. Carter vs. Carter et al.
  7. Chase vs. Miller
  8. Maddux vs. Triplett
  9. Meem vs. Dulany
  10. Merryman vs. Hoover
  11. Nelson vs. Kownslar and Turner
  12. Nichols Administrator vs. Washington, Ohio, & Western Railroad Company
  13. Richardson, John D., et al. vs. Seevers, Henry, Administrator
  14. Riely vs. Kinzel
  15. Roller vs. Murray
  16. Satterlee and Penny vs. Cameron
  17. Solenberger vs. Gilbert
  18. Stinson vs. Barley
  19. Strayer vs. Long
  20. Tidball, Edward, Executor and others vs. Shenandoah Valley National Bank
  21. Triplett vs. Geoff
  22. Virginia (Commonwealth of) vs. West Virginia, 1910, Part I, description of suit, papers relating to case, typescript (photocopy)
  23. Virginia (Commonwealth of) vs. West Virginia, 1910, Part II, description of suit, papers, relating to case, typescript (photocopy)
  24. Welsh, George, et al. vs. Solenberger, N. W., et al.

BOX 5 Virginia and West Virginia Debt

1. Amended Charter of the Corporation of Charlestown, Jefferson County, WV, 1883, 1 booklet, printed

2. Chickasaw Nation, Appellant vs. R. C. Wiggs, ET AL, Appellees, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1898, No. 496, Appeal form the United States Court for the Southern District of the Indian Territory, 1 booklet, printed

3. C. P. Huntington as Special Receiver of the Central Land Company of West Virginia, Appellant vs. John B. Laidley. W. S. Laidley, Thomas J. Bryan, Et Al, Transcript of Record, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1899, NO. 105, Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of West Virginia, 1 book, printed

4. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia – in the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Brief for the bond holding creditors, 1 booklet, printed

5. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia – Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Brief for the bondholding creditors, 1 booklet, printed

6. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. the State of West Virginia in the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Response of the complaint to the motion of the defendant submitted in the above entitle cause, 1 booklet, printed    

7. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Note of argument in support of complaint motion that the court shall proceed to adjudicate all undecided questions in the cause, 1 booklet, printed      

8. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Brief for complaint upon final hearing set down for April 13, 1914

9. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Brief in support of motion by West Virginia for leave to file a supplemental answer, 1 booklet, printed

10. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Exception by West Virginia to the report of special master Charles E. Littlefield, 1 booklet, printed 

11. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Response of the complainant to the motion of the defendant submitted in the above entitled cause, 1 booklet, printed

12. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Motion of the complainant, 1 booklet, printed

13. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 1, Motion of the Complainant, supplement of record, 1 booklet, printed

14. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1913, Original No. 2, Before Hon. Charles E. Littlefield, 1 booklet, printed

15. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1914, Original No. 2, Before Hon Charles E. Littlefield, Master, 1 booklet, printed

16. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia – in the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1914, Original No. 2, Argument before master in support of West Virginia credits upon her assigned proportion of the principal of the Virginia debt, 1 booklet, printed

17. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. the State of West Virginia – in the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1914, Original No. 2, Brief for the bondholding creditors upon the exceptions to the report of the Special Master, dated January 21, 1915, upon the issues raised in the supplemental answer of West Virginia claiming a set off because of certain alleged assets, 1 booklet, printed 

18. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1914, Original No. 2, Supplemental brief for West Virginia upon the subject of interest, 1 booklet, printed

19. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1914, Original No. 2, Brief for the bondholding creditors in opposition to the claim asserted in the supplemental answer of the State of West Virginia, 1 booklet, printed

20. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia – in the Supreme Court of the United States, copy of bill as filed, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

21. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State Of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, n. d., Original No. 2, Note on argument in support of complainant’s motion that the court shall proceed to adjudicate all undecided questions in the cause, 1 booklet, printed

22. Contract – between B. E. Walker and the First National Bank of the City of New York, n.d., 1 booklet, printed

23. The Council of Foreign Bondholders and Its Interference with a Settlement of the Debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia – Address delivered by Robert M. Mayo, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

24. Davis, Hon. H. G. of West Virginia – Speech delivered to the United States Senate, May 3, 1881, 1 booklet, printed

25, The Facts about West Virginia’s Equitable Portion of the Debt Incurred by Virginia before she was Divided – by J. M. Mason, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

26. Francisco Gonzales Y Borrego, Antonio Gonzales Y Borrego, Lauriano Alarid, and Patricio Valencia, Appellant vs. William P. Cunningham, Sheriff of Santa Fe County, Territory of New Mexico, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1896, No. 643, Brief in reply on motion to dismiss, 1 booklet, printed 

27. Governor MacCorkle on West Virginia – by W. A. MacCorkle, Governor of West Virginia, March 1, n. y., 1 booklet, printed

28. In Re West Virginia’s Demand Upon the Treasurer of the United States for the Payment of the Amount Due Under the Recent Act of Congress for the Refunding the Direct tax of 1860 – n.d., 1 booklet, printed

29. James River and Kanawha Company, Proceedings, Doc. No. 17, October, 1860, 1 book, printed 

30. Johnston, Hon. J. W. of Virginia – Speech delivered to the Senate of the United States, 1881, 1 booklet, printed

31. Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury – by Charles J. Folger, January 10, 1882, 1880, 1 booklet, printed

32. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury – U. S. House of Representatives, December 18, 1896, 1 booklet, printed

33. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury – U. S. House of Representative, Feb. 8, 1890, 1 booklet, printed

34. Loose Item, located in envelope

35. Letter to the Acting Secretary of the Treasury – Direct Tax Apportionment, March 31, 1886, 1 booklet, printed

36. Manual of the Legislature and the Executive and Judicial Departments for the Year 1891 – 1 booklet, printed

37. Memorial to the West Virginia Legislature presenting a Plan of Settlement for the West Virginia Debt – 1899, 1 booklet, printed

38. Memorandum – in advance of the organization of The Public Debt Adjustment and Loan Company, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

39. Miscellaneous Items from case (incomplete, pages 737-1076), n. d., 1 book (orange cover), printed

40. Official Directory – West Virginia Democratic State Committee, compiled by W. E. Chilton, 1894, 1 booklet, printed

41. The Railway Problem (Condensed) – by J. M. Mason, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

42. Report of the Debt Commission of the State of West Virginia – 1872, 1 booklet, printed

43. Report on Direct Tax – U. S. House of Representative, March 7, 1890, 1 booklet, printed

44. Report – from Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Claims, to the Senate of the United States, Jan. 18, 1892 – 1 booklet, printed

45. Report of the Committee on Finance upon the Equalization of Taxes – n. d., 1 booklet, printed

46. Rules of the Supreme Court, Jan. 7, 1884, 1 booklet, printed

47. Senate Journal – Charles Town, WV, Feb, 23, 1899, pages, 1-29, 1 booklet, printed

48. Some Observations on Corporate Association – by J. M. Mason, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

49. Special Message on Virginia Debt and the Master Littlefield Report – Governor Hatfield, to the West Virginia, Feb. 5, 1915, 1 booklet, printed

50. The State of Maryland vs. the State of West Virginia, The State of West Virginia vs. the State of Maryland – in the Supreme Court of the United States, Original No. 6, Answer to the State of Maryland to the Crossbill of the State of West Virginia, 1 booklet, printed

51. State of Virginia vs. State of Tennessee – in the Supreme Court of the United States, n. d., Bill in Chancery, 1 booklet, printed

52. Tax Commission – Extract from Newspaper, Extracts from Report, Dec. 6, 1884, 1 booklet, printed

53. United States, Appellant vs. Earl B. Coe, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1896, No. 45, Appeal form the Court of Private Land Claims, Reply brief on behalf of the United States, 1 booklet, printed

54. Virginia Debt Lesson – by J. M. Mason, Charles Town, WV, April 29, 1893, 2 pages, printed

55. Virginia Deferred (the West Virginia Debt) – n.d., 1 booklet, printed

56. Virginia Deferred Certificate, West Virginia Debt – Letter by the committee submitting the Plan of Settlement to the Advisory Board and the Recommendation Thereof, 1899, 1 booklet, printed

57. Virginia vs. West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, Addendum to the argument of Charles E. Hogg on behalf of the defendant, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

58. Virginia vs. West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, Note of some points and authorities relied upon for Virginia, n. d., 1 booklet, printed

59. Virginia vs. West Virginia, Plaintiff’s Exhibit No. 1, Sinking funds receipts and disbursements and bonds issued for interest, sinking funds receipts, January 1, 1861 to December 31, 1871, 1 booklet, printed

60. The West Virginia Debt and the Resolution of the Virginia Legislature Appointing Commissioners to Adjust it – by James Mason, Charles Town, WV, March, 1894, 1 booklet, printed

61. West Virginia Senatorial Contest – Statutory and Constitutional Provisions – n. d, 1 booklet, printed

62 West Virginia Senatorship: How the Executive Session Power to Elect a Senator? – n. d., 1 booklet, printed

63. West Virginia Tax Commission – Second Report, 1884, 1 booklet, printed

64. West Virginia Tax Commission – Preliminary Report, June 10, 1884, 1 booklet, printed

65 W. C. Chase vs. John M. Miller, Supreme Court of Virginia, n. d., Brief for appellant, 1 booklet printed

66 Why the West Virginia Debt Remains Unpaid, by J. M. Mason, Sept. 7, 1895, 2 pages, printed


  1. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1905, Original, 1 booklet, printed
  2. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 7, Original, October Term, 1906, Opinion of the Court, 1 booklet, printed
  3. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No, 7 Original, Notice and Amended Demurrer, 1 booklet, printed
  4. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 7 Original, Reply Brief of Counsel for Virginia upon the Demurrers to the Bill and Reply Brief to the Briefs of Defendants on the Demurrers, 1 booklet, printed
  5. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia,  In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 7  Original, Supplemental Brief on the Demurrer, 1 booklet, printed
  6. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 7, Original, Brief of Counsel for Virginia upon the Questions Raised by the Demurrers, 1 booklet, printed
  7. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, In Equity No. 4 Original, October Term, 1907, Motion to modify decree of reference, 1 booklet, printed
  8. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, In Equity, No. 4 Original, October Term, 1907, Brief for Virginia, upon motion to enter decree referring the cause to a master, 1 booklet, printed
  9. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, In Equity, No. 4 Original, October Term, 1907, Brief for Virginia, upon motion to enter decree referring the cause to a master, 1 booklet, printed
  10. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, In Equity, No. 4 Original, October Term, 1907, Decree referring the cause to a master, 1 booklet, printed
  11. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, no. 4, Original, October Term, 1907, Brief in reply to defendant, 1 booklet, printed
  12. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, 1909, Argument before Special Master Charles E. Littlefield of William A. Anderson Attorney General, 1 booklet, printed
  13. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 3 Original, October Term, 1909, West Virginia’s portion of the debt of Virginia, January 1, 1861, with interest, calculated by Messr. Price, Waterhouse & Company, chartered accountants, under paragraph 1 and 2 of the decree, 1 booklet, printed
  14. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 3, Original, October term, 1909, Original, 1 booklet, printed
  15. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No.3, Original, October Term, 1910, Brief on behalf of the bondholding creditors of Virginia to reply to Part III of brief for defendant, 1 booklet, printed
  16. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, no. 3 Original, October Term, 1910, Notes of argument of counsel for complaint, 1 booklet, printed
  17. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of west Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 4, Original, Exceptions by West Virginia to the Report of Special Master, Charles E. Littlefield, 1 booklet, printed
  18. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1911, No. 8 Original, Brief for Bondholding Creditors, 1 booklet, printed
  19. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 2, Original, October Term, 1913, Brief for the Bondholding Creditors, 1 booklet, printed
  20. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 2, Original, October term, 1913, In Equity, 1 booklet, printed
  21. Briefs for Trials in the U. S. Supreme Court, West Virginia Department
    "Virginia vs. West Virginia – Argument before Special Master," 1909
    "Virginia vs. West Virginia," October 1913
  22. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 2, Original, October Term, 1914, Mr. Justice Hughes delivered the opinion of the Court, 1 booklet, printed
  23. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, No. 2, Original, October Term, 1914, Brief for the Bondholding Creditors upon the exceptions to the Report of the Special Master, dated January 21, 1915, upon the issues raised in the supplemental answer of West Virginia claiming a set off because of certain alleged assets, 1 booklet, printed
  24. Proceeding in the Equity Suit of the Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia. Complied by Clarke W. May, Vol. 1, Record of Suit, 1 book, printed
  25. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, Joint Exhibit A-1, 1 booklet, printed
  26. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, No. 2, Original, n.d., In Equity, Note of Argument in Support of Complainant’s motion that the Court shall proceed to adjudicate all undecided questions in the cause, 1 booklet, printed
  27. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, n.d., Brief on Behalf of the Bondholder Creditors of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1 booklet, printed
  28. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, Defendant’s Exhibit No. 1, n.d., 108 pages, 1 booklet, printed
  29. Commonwealth of Virginia vs. State of West Virginia, In the Supreme Court of the United States, Defendant’s Exhibit, n.d., 282 pages, 1 booklet, printed


Duplicates of booklets in Boxes 5-6



Holmes Conrad Certificates, 5 items:

Appointment as Solicitor General of the U.S., 1895

Appointment as Assistant Attorney General, 1893

Appointment as Attorney and Counselor of the Supreme Court, 1893

Award by United Confederate Veterans, 1892

Commission of Captain and Commander of the Confederate

Veterans Association of the District of Columbia, 1909


Map of the United States by J.H. Waddell, prepared under the direction of M.F. Maury, LL.D., Prof. of Physics, V.M.I., Sept.1868 (accompanies pamphlet in Vol. 4 filed in Box 2B)

PHOTOGRAPHS:  Photographs and other images belonging to this collection may be accessed online through http://handley.pastperfectonline.com/