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Patricia Gochenour Collection

Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17

379 THL

 Inventory created by Archives Staff 03/1987. Last revised 12/2018.

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.

EXTENT: 0. 21 linear feet, plus 5 DVDs

CREATOR: Gochenour, Patricia

DATE: 1922-2019

SCOPE AND CONTENT: The Patricia Gochenour Collection contains a variety of personal papers of the Gochenour family, as well as lesson plans on George Washington, and collections of school writings by her son, David.

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: Patricia Gochenour is a retired schoolteacher who continues to enjoy historical research.  One of her major projects has been researching George Washington’s life and career in the Shenandoah Valley. Her research has included retracing Washington’s journey to the Shenandoah. This work has since been published in the Winchester Frederick County Historical Journal (1992). In the early 1990s, she received a grant from the National Trust in order to develop a trifold brochure which depicts Washington’s journey over the Blue Ridge Mountains.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: “March 16, 1748: Washington’s road led to Winchester,” The Winchester Star, March 16, 2007; “Founding Footsteps: Pat Gochenour follows Father George on the local map,” The Winchester Star, September 8, 1993

CITE AS: Patricia Gochenour Collection, 379 THL, Stewart Bell, Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA.



BOX 1 

Gochenour , Patsy  – news articles printed (photocopies), unnumbered 

“From the Banks of the Potomac to the Banks of the Shenandoah” – brochure and map of George Washington’s journey to the Shenandoah Valley. Print (2 copies)

“GW Lesson Plan” – contains a 4 leaf lesson plan, 2 maps of the Valley (one paper, one for overhead projection), and a booklet version of “From the Banks…” (8 pages, print)

“David’s Dictums” – folder containing the school writings of David Gochenour, 1971 (folder contains the following):

“Personal: My Life by David Gochenour”. 6 leaves, manuscript

“Personal: My Life” booklet, 8 leaves, manuscript (photocopy)

21 loose leaves of various book reports and English essays

“David’s Dictums – Copy”

Scanned and printed copy of the David’s Dictums manuscript (23 leaves)

“David’s Dictums & My Life” – DVD-ROM of the scanned manuscript

Poetry folder contains the following:

“A is for Alma Mater,” poem by Patsy Gochenour, May 1998, 1 leaf, printed (photocopy)

“I Don’t Hear the Frogs Anymore,” poem by Patsy Gochenour, artwork by Ted Wolf; published May 6, 2009, 1 booklet, printed


            “Daniel Morgan Flag Raising” DVD #48

            “Burwell Morgan Mill and Its Founders” DVD #49

            “Pat Gochenour on Cable Talk” DVD #50

            “Young George Washington” DVD #51

            “Earthday 1997—Braddock Street United Methodist Church” DVD #52


Map of George Washington’s Journey over the Mountain—2 copies, printed

Map-“Winchester, Our Camelot,” 1 leaf, printed, artwork by Ted Wolf


George Washington Classroom Mural by Ted Wolf—1992, 3 oversize murals, printed

PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographs and other images belonging to this collection may be accessed online through www.Pastperfectonline.com/