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Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17

1335 THL

Scope and Content: This collection contains miscellaneous papers and reports collected by Jedediah Hotchkiss; several issues of The Virginias, a news journal edited by Hotchkiss; and information written by Hotchkiss on Virginia geology and geography. The collection focuses on his career after the American Civil War in Virginia.
(3 boxes) Last updated 02/06.

Biographical/Historical: Jedediah Hotchkiss was born in 1828 in Windsor, NY. An affluent upbringing allowed him to receive an excellent education. After taking a walking tour of Virginia in 1847, he moved to Augusta County, VA and worked as a tutor. During 1852 and 1853, he became principal of Mossy Creek Academy near Staunton, VA and married Sara Ann Comfort of Pennsylvania. In 1859, he moved his family to Churchville, VA and opened Willow Creek Academy, staying there until the outbreak of war in 1861. During the war, he served as a cartographer for Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. After the war, he worked in the field of geology and wrote extensively about the Civil War campaigns in Virginia. Jedediah Hotchkiss died in January 1899.

Cite As: Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers, 1335 THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.


Box 1

"Aluminum Map Containers," article in October 1954 Alcoa Aluminum News – letter – p. 2, column 1, printed

"Aluminum Tubes Protecting Hotchkiss Maps," article, The Winchester Evening Star, Dec. 2, 1954, p. 12, column 1, 1 leaf, printed (photocopy)

"Hotchkiss Maps Kept in Aluminum Tubes from ALCOA," article in The ALCOA News, Volume 25, No. 23, November 8, 1954, page 7, 1 leaf, printed

"Blinded Giant—the Role of Maps in Robert E. Lee’s Gettysburg Campaign," by Earl B. McElfresh, article in Mercator’s World, vol. 5 no. 3, May/June 2000

"Jedediah Hotchkiss - Civil War Cartographer," article in P.O.B. Magazine, Volume 19, No. 5, June-July 1994, 7 pages, printed

List of contents of boxes belonging to Major Jedediah Hotchkiss, 939, 1 leaf, 39 pages, typescript

"Massanutten Mountain Iron Ore Tract (Geological Report on a Portion of the)," Shenandoah Furnace Company, 1892, Allen, Lane, & Scott's Printing House, Philadelphia, PA, 24 pages, 24 x 15 cm., printed

Miscellaneous papers - letters, invoices, 1878, 9 leaves, manuscript

"Use of the Aneroid Barometer in Geological Surveying," article in Journal of Geology, 1894, 16 pages, printed, front and back covers missing

Box 2

The Virginias—A Mining, Industrial and Scientific Journal, Staunton, VA, printed:
Volume 1, No. 1, January 1880, 16 pages
Volume 3, No. 10, October 1882, 16 pages
Volume 4, No. 1, January 1883, 18 pages
Volume 4, No. 3, March 1883, 18 pages

Bound copies of The Virginias - A Mining, Industrial, and Scientific Journal, Staunton, VA:
Volume 1, 1880, 196 pages
Volume 2, 1881, 192 pages
Volume 3, 1882, 196 pages
Volume 4, 1883, 196 pages
Volume 6, 1885, 171 pages

The Virginias—A Mining Industrial and Scientific Journal


Volume 5, No. 1 Jan 1884 Volume 5, No. 7 Jul 1884
Volume 5, No. 2 Feb 1884 Volume 5, No. 8 Aug 1884
Volume 5, No. 3 Mar 1884 Volume 5, No. 9 Sept 1884
Volume 5, No. 4 Apr 1884 Volume 5, No. 10 Oct 1884
Volume 5, No. 5 May 1884 Volume 5, No. 11 Nov 1884
Volume 5, No. 6 Jun 1884 Volume 5, No. 12 Dec 1884


"Blinded Giant—the Role of Maps in Robert E. Lee’s Gettysburg Campaign," article in Mercator’s World, May/June, 2000.

Box 3

"Original List" - maps listed by local historians from the Hotchkiss family. Many of these went to the Library of Congress

"Commercial Map of the World," by Jed Hotchkiss, 1875, Simons & Keningham, Lithographers, Richmond, VA, 1 leaf

Geography of Virginia - A Supplement to the Eclectic Series of Geographies, by Jed Hotchkiss, 1878, Van Antwerp, Bragg, & Company, 16 pages, printed

Miscellaneous paper memorabilia - letter, notes, 1897, manuscript, typescript

Hotchkiss' Geography of Virginia, 1877, copyright by Jed Hotchkiss, Staunton, VA, lithography by A. Hoen & Company, Richmond, VA, illustrated, 146 pages, printed

Virginia Geology, by William B. Rogers, 1835-1838, unnumbered pages, illustrated, printed, bound

Mapcase 3, Drawer 2

Battle of Winchester, May 26, 1862, framed print hung in Archives Reading Room, digitized prints by Library of Congress (original housed in Archives Storage Room)

Central Shenandoah Valley, n.d., digitized prints by Library of Congress (original housed in Archives Storage Room)

Gettysburg Campaign, Pennsylvania, digitized prints by Library of Congress (original housed in Archives Storage Room)

Hotchkiss, Jedediah, Map of the Lands of the Shenandoah Iron, Lumber, Mining, and Manufacturing; Situated in Page and Rockingham Counties, Virginia, Richmond, VA: A. Hoen & Company, 1877.