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Middletown Heritage Society Collection

Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17

1622 THL

Scope and Content: This collection contains material relating to Middletown, VA, including 1938, 1941, and 1948 yearbooks for Middletown High School and a news article about World War II Middletown Aircraft and Warning Station. Minutes and ephemera for the Middletown Homemakers Club, also known as Middletown Extension Homemakers Club, also known as Middletown Home Demonstration Club, are included. The collection also contains twentieth century records from the Grace Methodist Church and genealogical material relating to the Robert Rogers Brown family. These materials are on long-term loan from the Middletown Heritage Society. 
(8 boxes) Last updated 09/16.

Biographical/Historical: The Middletown Heritage Society formed in February 1999 after four of its members attended a public hearing for a grant request by the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation and Belle Grove Plantation to build trails connecting the battlefield and plantation on U.S. 11, south of Middletown. The heritage society’s mission is “to gather and communicate historical information about Middletown and its surrounding areas to promote the preservation of and education on Middletown’s heritage.” Among the society’s short-term goals is to record oral histories of Middletown’s senior citizens and to place stationary town guides throughout Middletown to help visitors locate historical sites. Long-term goals include securing and storing documents and memorabilia, assisting in preserving town records on microfilm, and identifying historical houses by number or with a plaque.

The Middletown Heritage Society’s first project was to update the town’s self-guided walking tour brochure. Frederick County’s third oldest town, Middletown was established by an act of the Virginia General Assembly in 1794. In July of 2003, due to the efforts of the Middletown Heritage Society, the National Register of Historic Places recognized the community’s newly opened Middletown Historic District. The historic district includes building architecture that represents all periods of the town’s development. All of these properties are listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register, an honorary listing of significant architectural and archaeological sites administered by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. The Middletown Heritage Society continues to thrive and raise funds to research and communicate the history of Middletown, VA.

Bibliography: “Group Aims to Preserve Town’s History,” Linda McCarty, The Winchester Star, 12 May 1999; “Middletown’s Historic District Joins Register,” Northern Virginia Daily, 12 July 2003.

Cite As: Middletown Heritage Society Collection, 1622 THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.


Box 1 Middletown Heritage Society

Agendas 2001-2013

Business Cards

Correspondence Oct. 2003-August, 2007

Donations from Middletown Heritage Society

Founding of the Society


Gene Dicks Award

Membership List 2003 and 2007

Middletown, VA – Application for National Registry of Historic Places/Landmark Survey Notes and Reports

Minutes 2001 – 2011

BOX 1A Middletown Heritage Society

News Articles, unnumbered items, printed (photocopy)



Treasurer’s Reports 2001-2013

Box 2 Middletown Volunteers Fire & Rescue Co. & Ladies Auxiliary

Constitution and By-laws—Middletown Fire Co. Inc.

Fire Truck Exemption from Registration, 3 copies, 1 leaf, printed

Memorial Service, 2 copies, printed

Middletown Ladies Auxiliary—Correspondence

Middletown Ladies Auxiliary—History

New Addition for Building
Invitation to Ground-breaking, Aug. 25, 1991
Invitation to 50th Anniversary and Dedication of New Building, April 12, 1992

Middletown Ladies Auxiliary—Program

News Articles—Fire Company

Box 3 Homemakers

Middletown Home Demonstration Club Minutes 1964-1971
(later called Middletown Homemakers’ Club)

Homemakers’ Club Minutes 1972-1975

Middletown Homemakers’ Club Minutes 1976-1979

Middletown Homemakers’ Club 1980-1982, 1983, 1986

Middletown Homemakers’ Club 1984-1985

Middletown Homemakers’ Club 1991-1993—notes, clippings

Middletown Homemakers’ Club 1994-2002

Virginia Extension Homemakers’ Council, Inc. Yearbook 1990-1991

BOX 3A Middletown Grange

Journal of Proceedings, 1964 – Virginia State Grange

Juvenile Grange Manual

Policies and Guidelines

Promotional Material

Box 4 Middletown Schools

Closing of Middletown Elementary School 1984

Commencements—Middletown High School— 1917, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1944, 1945

Diploma—Middletown High School—awarded to Margaret Jane Willey, 26 May 1938,
1 item, printed

Long Glances Back by Isabel Hammack Davis, 24 pages, printed

Rhodes, Myrtle

School Records – Frances Ridings/Warren Ridings

Senior Handbook—1939—Grace Hoffman

Shows and Programs—Middletown High School

Syllabus of Bible Study for High School Pupils, 1933, 1 item, printed

News Articles found in yearbooks—Middletown High School

Middletown Elementary School—opened 1989

News Articles—Middletown School/High School

Middletown High School – Baseball team

Program – Middletown Agricultural High and Elementary School Centennial Celebration, June 6, 2009

Shenandoah Normal College

Yearbooks – Middletown Elementary School, 1983-1984, 1989-1990,

Yearbooks—Our Trail, Middletown High School








BOX 4A Churches

Grace United Methodist Church

Grace United Methodist Church – New Articles

Middletown Presbyterian Church

St. Thomas Church/St Thomas Church News Articles

The Bible Simplified – By Q + A – Belonged to Nellie D. Van Meter

The Comprehensive Teacher’s Bible – Presented to Samuel Suam, May 23, 1898

Wesley Bible Class 

Box 5 A-L

Annexation of Middletown

Belle Grove

Blueprint – Route 11 construction through Middletown, VA

Businesses in Middletown

Cedar Creek Ruritan Club of Middletown

Cedar Grove, The Hoge-Baldwin-Heater House 


Charter – Town of Middletown, VA – approved April 5, 1954

Christmas Celebrations

Clark, Samuel

Civil War

Consolidation between Winchester and Frederick County, VA

Danner Family

Deeds- Middletown Land Improvement Company and others

Highway Marker 2003/Historic District Signs 2014

Hoffman House

Hoffman, John—Biographical information; 9 leaves, printed (photocopies)

Housing Development 2007


Incorporation of the Town of Middletown by Virginia Assembly

List of Lots Assigned Stockholders

Box 6 M-Z



Middletown Development Corp. 1966

Middletown Lions Club

Middletown Map

Middletown Mirror, Newspaper, April 14, 1909

Middletown News Items

Middletown State Bank

Newman, Eugene and Eve


People of Middletown


Politics—Personnel Issues


Politics—Water Department

People of Middletown

Post Office

Promotional Literature

Rogers, Robert Brown family material, [53] leaves, manuscript/typescript (photocopy)

Records of Margaret (Peggy) Rogers and Family

Shenandoah Valley National Battlefields

Topographical Map – Middletown, VA area, 1943

Walking Tour--1996

Wayside Inn

Wayside Inn Quirer

Wayside Theatre

World War II—Middletown Aircraft Warning Station—POWs, 4 items 

BOX 7 Objects

Alma L. Goff Plaque

Broy’s Esso Service Center Ashtray

  1. W. Owens General Merchandise – Cash Receipts Pad (1930s)

Joe’s Cash Grocery – Cash Receipts (1953)
                                    Cash Receipt Pad (1950s)

“I Love (Heart Shaped) Middletown” Button, undated

Middletown High School – Belt with Buckle, size 34 leather, owned by malcolm Brumback, undated

Middletown, VA Police Department shoulder patch

Miller’s Grocery Pencil

Sweater Letter “M”, Middletown High School

Town Restaurant Ballpoint Pen

BOX 8 Oral History Tapes

Brumback, Mildred – at St. Thomas Chapel, June 6, 2007, 2 copies

Brumback, Mildred – Receiving Gene Dick Award, July 16, 2011

Carper, Loring R.

Dalton, Wayne and Judy, August 30, 2007

Dwyer, Joe and Hoffman, John at Hoffman House, May 22, 2007

Dwyer, Joe and Hoffman, John #2, August 2, 2008

Dicks, Mary Virginia and Gene, October 13. 2008

Ebert, Rebecca, speaking at the Middletown Historical Society, December 11, 2007

Hall, Harry, AVI to DVD, undated

Hall, Harry, undated

Hoffman, John at Hoffman House, 2007

Hoffman, John at Hoffman House, May 2, 2007

Hoffman House exterior, Town Charter Presentation, September 8, 2008

Madigan, Bill and Grim, Judy Paige, managers of BB&T Bank in Middletown, VA speaking on Middletown Bank in the 1960s, February 29, 2008

Owing, John undated

Owing Family (John, Sue, and Mary Lou), undated

School Cornerstone, June 5, 2009

Stickley, Romeo, February 12, 2007

Wayside Inn, Presentation of Gene Dicks Award to Leo Bernstein, march 12, 2008

Willey, Sydney, September 2, 2009 


Map F18

MC 2     Map of Middletown, Frederick County, VA, n.d., photocopy
D 2