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Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17


Inventory created by Archives Staff 03/1986.  Last revised 10/2019.

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, duplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.

EXTENT: 0.21 linear feet

DATE: 1866 – 2008

SCOPE AND CONTENT: The Stonewall Cemetery Records consists of histories, solicitations, news articles, and papers relating to the Stonewall Cemetery. The Ladies Memorial Association established Stonewall Cemetery for Confederate soldiers in 1866. 

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: The Stonewall Cemetery is a section of Mount Hebron Cemetery in Winchester, VA. The actual address of the cemetery is 305 E. Boscawen Street, Winchester, VA.  It was established in 1866 for over 2,500 Confederate soldiers who died in battle or in hospitals in the area. Many of these soldiers came from North and South Carolina, as well as Virginia. Approximately 800 of soldiers interred in Stonewall Cemetery are unknown and are buried in a mass grave marked by a monument at the center of the cemetery. Notable individuals buried at Stonewall Cemetery include Brigadier General Turner Ashby, his brother Captain Richard Ashby, and Colonel George S. Patton, grandfather of General George Patton.

BIBLIOGRAPHY:  Janney, Caroline E. “Burying the Dead but not the Past.” Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2008; Kurtz, Lucy Fitzhugh and Ben Ritter. A Roster of Confederate Soldiers Buried in Stonewall Cemetery, Winchester, Virginia. Winchester, Va.: Published through the courtesy of Farmers & Merchants National Bank, 1962.

CITE AS: Stonewall Cemetery Records, 500 WFCHS, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA



 "A History of Stonewall Cemetery" compiled by Nettie A. Carbaugh, Feb. 1989, 2 leaves, typescript (photocopy)

Articles and Newspapers clippings: 1877-1997, 18 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Committee Request for Aid in Establishing Cemetery: Feb. 22, 1866, 1 leaf, printed; Report of the Committee [Oct. 25, 1866] 1 leaf, printed (photocopy)

Corrections to Tombstones, 1 leaf, manuscript (photocopy)

Dedication, June 6, 1866 – Correspondence – 1 leaf, manuscript

Deed from Stonewall Cemetery Association to Mt. Hebron Cemetery: Dec 10, 1884, 2 leaves, typescript (copy); 1 envelope, typescript

History of Ladies Confederate Memorial Association: 1904, 1 item, printed

Louisiana Monument - July 4, 1896, 1 page, printed

Mississippi Monuments - March 7, 1896, 1 leaf, manuscript; 1 envelope, manuscript

North Carolina Monument - Sept. 17, 1897, 1 Bound Book

Texas – Texans buried in Stonewall Cemetery, compiled by Jerry Holsworth (2009), 1 leaf, typescript

Notice and Program - June 4, 1879, 2 leaves printed

Stationary & Miscellaneous Papers, 1 leaf, manuscript; 2 leaves, printed


Stonewall Cemetery Monument to Unknown Dead, 2 copies, printed

Certificate from Society of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States in the State of Maryland, 1879, 1 item, manuscript on printed form

Stonewall Cemetery, Winchester, Virginia, lithograph by A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, 1 item, color, printed

PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographs belonging to this collection may be viewed through PastPerfect, which is available at An image of the Monument to Unknown Soldier sculpted by Thomas Delahunty is available online.