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Ellsworth Turner Collection

Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17

204 THL 

Inventory created by Archives 01/1983.  Staff Last revised 07/2019.

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.

EXTENT: 0.84 linear feet

CREATOR: Turner, F. Ellsworth, 1915-2000

DATE: 1860s – present; bulk mid-1900s

SCOPE AND CONTENT: This collection contains articles, news clippings and photos concerning African-American history in the Winchester and surrounding community.  Most of the information pertains to the twentieth century although some is from the period Civil War. The material is divided into two parts. The first half contains biographical sketches of thirty-four people and the second half includes information on organizations, schools, churches, and other establishments of the local black community. 

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL:  Ellsworth Turner was a Winchester, Virginia resident. He compiled the information for this collection. Turner was born on  January 27, 1915 to Larrie and Virginia Newman Turner. Turner was a 1931 graduate of the Douglass School and he would serve as Alumni chair for his lifetime.  Turner also graduated from Dunbar High School in D.C.  After attending Virginia State University and Howard University, Turner obtained his law degree from Terrell Law School. 

Turner worked for the Department of Justice, the Senate Office Building, and as an administrative assistant for 22 years for U.S. District Court Chief Justice Joseph McGarragy.  He also operated the first African-American bookstore in Washington, D.C. 

Turner was a member of the Delta Tau fraternity and was a member of the King Hiram Masonic Lodge #53, Apple Blossom Chaper 196 of the Eastern Star in Winchester, VA. He achieved the rank of 33rd degree Mason.  He was married to Margretta Baltimore for 42 years. He died April 7, 2000 at 85 years of age. 

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Obituary, F. Ellsworth Turner, The Winchester Star, Winchester, VA, April 11, 2000.

CITE AS: Ellsworth Turner Collection, 204 THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.



BOX 1 

Anderson, Dr. Townsend Woodard, 1 leaf, printed (photocopy)

Baltimore, Annie T., 2 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Briscoe, Dr. Madison S., 1 leaf, printed; 3 leaves, typescript; 2 leaves, typescript (copy)

Brown, Dr. James Erroll, 1 leaf, printed, photocopy

Brown, Dr. John William, 2 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Brown, Dr. Sara Winifred, 4 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Cartwright, Helen Jennings, 2 leaves, typescript; 2 leaves, manuscript; 3 leaves, printed (photocopy); 1 leaf, printed/manuscript (photocopy)

Cartwright, Joseph G., 1 leaf, printed; 1 leaf, printed (photocopy); 1 leaf, typescript

Cook, George William, 3 copies, 1 leaf, typescript; 3 leaves, printed (photocopy); 2 leaves, photographs/manuscript (photocopy)

Crawford, Gladys, 2 leaves, photographs (photocopy); 1 leaf, typescript

Davis, Effie, 7 leaves, printed; 9 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Dixon, Tom and Dave, 1 leaf, printed; 3 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Dolman, Judy, 1 leaf, typescript; 1 leaf, manuscript (photocopy)

Douglass, Frederick (folder includes the following)
Pamphlets, 2 items, printed
National Park Service brochures, 2 items, printed
Magazine articles, 2 items, 10 pages, printed
Newspaper article, 1 leaf, printed

Evans, Duval B., 1 leaf, printed; 1 leaf, manuscript

Evans, Earl Denny, Sr., 3 leaves, printed, photocopy

Evans, William Armstead, 1 leaf, printed; 1 leaf, typescript

Finley, John Carter, 4 leaves, typescript; 1 leaf, printed (photocopy)

Finley, Dr. Taylor Floyd, 1 item, printed

Fisher, James B., 1 leaf, typescript; 3 leaves, printed; 3 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Ford, Father John, 1 leaf, printed, photocopy

Gaskins, Dr. Andrew, 6 leaves, typescript; 1 leaf, printed (photocopy); 2 items, printed

Gibson, Powell W., 1 booklet, printed, sewn; 2 leaves, printed; 7 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Gibson, Willard Powell, 1 leaf, typescript; 2 leaves, printed

Jackson, Colonel Charles H., Sr., 1 leaf, typescript

Jackson, Lisa, 1 leaf, printed, photocopy

Jackson, Russel Alger, 4 copies, 1 leaf, typescript (photocopy)

Jackson, Ruth E. P., 3 leaves, manuscript; 1 leaf, manuscript (photocopy); 1 photograph (photocopy)

Jackson, Wesley L., 1 leaf, printed (photocopy)

Kirby, John, 3 copies, 1 leaf, typescript; 3 leaves, printed; 2 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Lewis, Jefferson Williams, Sr., 13 leaves, printed; 4 pages, 1 leaf, printed (photocopy); 3 leaves, typescript (photocopy)

Louvestre, Mary, 5 pages, printed

Marcus, Lovelena Lomax, 2 leaves, manuscript; 4 leaves, typescript; 1 photograph (photocopy)

Orrick, Reverend Robert, 1 item, printed; 7 leaves, printed (photocopy); 4 copies, 1 leaf, typescript (photocopy)

Robinson, Emma Parks, booklet, 7 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Poles, Spottswood (Spottsy), 7 leaves, printed; 1 book, Negro Baseball. . . before Integration, 128 pages, printed; 8 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Tanner, Henry Ossawa, 11 leaves, 2 pages, printed; 13 leaves, printed (photocopy); 1 catalog, The Art of Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937), printed; 1 item, block of stamps honoring Tanner

Tanner, Sarah Miller, and Dr. Hallie Tanner Johnson, 3 leaves, printed (photocopy); 3 copies, 1 leaf, typescript (photocopy)

Turner Family, 2 leaves, typescript (photocopy); 3 leaves, typescript (photocopy)

Turner, Rodman Lourain, 2 leaves, typescript; 2 certificates

Walls, Josiah Thomas, 4 leaves, typescript (photocopy); 1 booklet, "Black Americans in Congress," 24 pages, printed; 6 pages, 2 leaves, printed; 6 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Washington, George, 9 leaves, typescript (photocopy); 5 leaves, printed; 8 items, typescript, printed

BOX 2 

"Black Americans in Congress, 1870-1977," booklet, 1 item, 24 pages, printed

Douglas Alumni Association, 5 items, printed; 2 leaves, printed (photocopy); 1 leaf, photographs (photocopy); 1 leaf, typescript (photocopy)

Douglas School, 4 leaves, printed; 3 leaves, printed (photocopy); 1 leaf, photographs (photocopy); 2 leaves, typescript (photocopy)

Douglas School, 2 leaves, printed; 9 leaves, printed (photocopy); 2 items, printed

Douglas School - commencement programs, 1932, 1954, 1963, 3 items, printed

Elks Lodge #458, 1 leaf, manuscript; 1 leaf, photograph (photocopy)

Evans Hotel, 1 leaf, manuscript/photographs (photocopy)

John Mann United Methodist Church, 2 leaves, printed; 3 leaves, printed (photocopy); 1 item, anniversary booklet, printed

King Hiram Lodge #53, 3 items, printed; 6 leaves, printed (photocopy); 11 leaves, typescript (photocopy)

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, 2 leaves, printed; 9 leaves, printed (photocopy); 2 leaves, photographs (photocopy); 20 leaves, typescript (photocopy)

Old Stone Presbyterian Church Colored School, 2 leaves, printed; 6 leaves, printed (photocopy); 1 leaf, photographs (photocopy)

St. Paul A.M.E. Church, 4 leaves, 4 pages, printed; 2 leaves, printed (photocopy); 1 leaf, manuscript; 1 photograph (photocopy)

Tokes Inn, 4 leaves, printed (photocopy)

The Virginia Informer, 5 issues, printed 1939 - July 1, July 17, August 1, August 20 No date - pages 3-4

Winchester Colored Horse Show and Race Meet - program, 1921, 2 copies, 4 leaves, printed (photocopy)

BOX 3 

Afro-Americans who made contributions to the nation, news clippings, unnumbered

Afro-Am portfolio no.2, “Modern Negro Contributors,” published by Afro-Am Pub. Co., Inc., 1966

“Hate in the U.S.A,” published by LJN Publishing Co., 1966, 1 item, printed, unnumbered pages

“Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968,” published by Johnson Publishing Co., Inc., 1968, 1 item, printed, 76 pages

“The SCLC Story in Words and Pictures,” published by Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1964, 1 item, printed, 64 pages

“A Salute to Historic Black Firsts,” edited by Richard L. Green; 1 book, 32 pages, printed