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Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17


Inventory created by Archives Staff 10/1984. Last revised 02/2019.

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.

EXTENT: 5.42 linear feet

DATE: 1859-1921

ALTERNATIVE FORM AVAILABLE: Digitized 2007. Master Tiff images held on GSU discs 010-01 to 010-08 (not online).

SCOPE AND CONTENT: The Turner Ashby Camp #22 of Confederate Veterans Papers contains the records of the Turner Ashby Camp #22 of Confederate Veterans of Winchester, Virginia. The records cover every facet of the group’s operations including membership applications and rolls at the local and national levels, correspondence, orders, reports, company lists, minutes, rosters, the  Roll of the Dead (1893-1902), and other miscellaneous papers.

The papers also include extensive primary source material from the court-martial of Pvt. James Miller, 12th Virginia Cavalry who was executed for shooting his company commander, Captain Henderson in 1861.

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: The Turner Ashby Camp was organized on Oct. 5, 1891. The camp was chartered as Turner Ashby Camp #22 of the United Confederate Veterans with Charles W. McVicar as the commander. The last veteran, George W. Dellinger, died on August 29, 1943. About 300 men were members of the organization.

RELATED MATERIAL: United Daughters of the Confederacy Turner Ashby Chapter #54, 1325 WFCHS; Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #1567, Turner Ashby Records, 1666 THL

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Mallin, Robert and Radi, Richard. Ashby Camp Revisited. Self-published, 1995.

CITE AS: Turner Ashby Camp #22 of Confederate Veterans Papers, 302 WFCHS, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.



News Articles – unnumbered leaves, printed (photocopy)

Alternate’s Certificates 1908 and 1914, blank, 7 leaves, printed

Alternate’s Certificates with names1906 and 1909, 5 leaves, manuscript on printed form

Applications for Honorary Membership, blank, n.d., 3 leaves, printed

Certificate of Eligibility for Southern Cross, blank, n.d., 10 leaves, printed

Certificates of Membership, blank, n.d., 120 leaves, printed

Certificates of Membership with names, 1891-98, 12 leaves, manuscript on printed form (contains 1 seal with ribbon)

Confederate Homes for Disabled, 1892-97, 9 leaves, printed

Constitution and By-laws 1892, 10 leaves, printed

Delegates’ Certificates, United Confederate Veterans 1898, 4 leaves, manuscript on printed form

Delegates’ Certificates, United Confederate Veterans 1908 and 1915, 3 leaves, printed

15th New Jersey Regiment Volunteers Veterans Assn., trip to Gettysburg, Shenandoah Valley and Washington DC, 1907, 4 booklets, printed

First Confederate Memorial, June 6, 1866, 2 leaves, typescript

Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans, General and Special Orders, August 1895-November 1906, 89 leaves, typescript, printed

Headquarters, United Confederate Veterans—Circular Letters, April 7, 1894-December 15, 1905, 123 leaves, typescript, printed

Headquarters, United Confederate Veterans—General Orders, July 16, 1892-April 22, 1912, 149 leaves, printed

Kelly Island Fight—June 25-26, 1861, by John R. Rust Co. I, 12th VA Cavalry, Nov. 6, 1897, 8 leaves, manuscript

Ladies’ Auxiliary By-laws, n.d., 4 leaves, printed

Minutes of the Twelfth Annual Meeting and Reunion, United Confederate Veterans, 1902, 96 pages, printed

Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting and Reunion, United Confederate Veterans, 1896, 165 pages, printed

Official Program and Song Sheet, United Confederate Veterans Reunion, 1921 Official Program, pamphlet, 8 pages, printed, Song Sheet, 4 pages, printed

Seventeenth Annual Reunion, United Confederate Veterans, 1907, 4 leaves, printed

Wright, Robert Parker—Application for Admission to Soldiers’ Home of Robert E. Lee Camp No. 1, Confederate Veterans, 1909, 2 leaves, manuscript, manuscript on printed form


Headquarters, United Confederate Veterans—Special Orders, April 28, 1903-May 3, 1904, 46 leaves, typescript, printed

Headquarters, United Confederate Veterans—Forms, n.d., 54 leaves, printed, typescript, manuscript on printed form

Lee Camp Soldiers’ Home, Report of Board of Visitors, 4 items, printed (folder contains the following):
December 31, 1901, 1 booklet, 17 pages
December 31, 1903, 1 booklet, 20 pages
December 31, 1905, 1 booklet, 21 pages
December 31, 1906, 1 booklet, 23 pages

List of Companies from Winchester and Frederick County 1861-1865, n.d., 6 leaves, manuscript

List of Virginians Who Died in Elmira, NY Prison Camp, Weekly Times—Richmond, November 26, 1896, 1 item, printed

Lynchburg Home Guard, Record of the, 1859-1877, Lynchburg, VA: Bell, Browne & Co., 1877, 1 item, 40 pages, printed

Minutes, December 1891-June 1897, 7 items, unnumbered pages, manuscript

Minutes, September 1898-June 1913, 2 items, unnumbered pages, manuscript


Deceased Members 1893-1903 (folder contains the following):
8 leaves, manuscript, typescript
2 newspaper obituaries, printed
1 pamphlet, printed

Deceased Members—Memorial Service of the Gen. Turner Ashby Camp, April 19, 1903, 1 item, printed

Deceased Members—Tribute to Robert I. Kurtz, n.d., 8 leaves, manuscript

Deceased Members—Tribute to John J. Williams, 1899, 3 leaves, typescript

Deceased Members—Tributes and Resolutions of Respect, 1895-1901, 41 leaves, manuscript, typescript

Miscellaneous Brochures, Flyers, Clippings 1891-1908, 25 leaves, printed, typescript, photocopy

Miscellaneous Pamphlets and Booklets, 1895-1903, 24 items, unnumbered pages, printed

Notices for Registration of Free Negroes for Service, 1861, 3 leaves, manuscript

Proposed Monuments, April 3,1895-December 2, 1902, 10 pamphlets, printed, typescript

Reunions and Meetings, July 4, 1892-May 28, 1909, 35 leaves, typescript, manuscript

Rosters, Confederate Army and United Confederate Veterans, 1902, 40 leaves, manuscript, printed

Sales Solicitations to Confederate Veterans, December 15, 1897-October 16, 1906, 40 leaves, printed, typescript; includes 1 button, 2 ribbons

Sons of Confederate Veterans, Drs. Hunter and Stuart McGuire Letters and Membership Applications, 1893-1900, 15 leaves, typescript, manuscript

Sons of Confederate Veterans, General Order and General Circular 1905, 1 pamphlet, 9 pages, printed

Uniforms, Buttons, Etc., n.d., 7 items, printed (folder contains the following):
3 pamphlets, unnumbered pages
4 leaves

War Department Correspondence, March 16, 1894 and June 2, 1904, 4 leaves, typescript, printed

BOX 4 – Grand Camp of Virginia Proceedings, 1894-1910

Grand Camp of Virginia Proceedings, 1894-1901, 11 items, printed (folder contains the following):
1894, booklet, 26 pages, 2 copies
1895, booklet, 32 pages, 2 copies
1897, 1 booklet, 40 pages
1898, booklet, 44 pages, 2 copies
1899, booklet, 48 pages, 2 copies
1900, booklet, 62 pages, 2 copies
1901, 1 booklet, 72 pages

Grand Camp of Virginia Proceedings, 1903, 2 items (folder contains the following)
1 book, unnumbered pages, manuscript
1 booklet, 61 pages, printed

Grand Camp of Virginia Proceedings, 1904-07, 4 items, printed (folder contains the following)
1904-05, booklet, 85 pages, 2 copies
1907, booklet, 53 pages, 2 copies

Grand Camp of Virginia Proceedings, 1908-10, 13 items, printed (folder contains the following)
1908, booklet, 47 pages, 12 copies
1910, 1 booklet, 64 pages


Century Magazine, 3 issues, printed (includes the following volumes) Did Not Digitize
Volume XXXI, no. 1, May 1881, 274 pages
Volume XXXIV, no. 2, June 1884, 378 pages
Volume XXXVII, no. 6, October 1887, 432 pages

Dues Notices, blank, n.d., unnumbered slips, printed

Dues Notice to Chas. W. Forsythe, 1903, 1 slip, manuscript on printed form

Lecture Tickets May 11, 1900, unnumbered tickets, printed, manuscript on reverse

Maj. Otey’s Lecture: “The Old Confederate Soldier by an Old Confederate Soldier “(advertisement), May 11 [1900], 1 item, printed

Membership Cards, blank, unnumbered cards, printed

Name Slips, unnumbered slips, printed

June 6 Memorial Day Observance, 1908, unnumbered items, printed (includes the following)
lunch tickets

"Study of American History in Southern Schools, Colleges, and Universities," by J. William Jones, 1902, 1 booklet, 39 pages, printed


Membership Applications, 1891-1905, 22 folders, manuscript on printed form (photocopy) (the following includes letters A through D)


Folder A: 12 leaves

Folder B: 38 leaves

Folder C: 24 leaves

Folder D: 11 leaves

Capt. T. J. Adams
M. H. Albin
D. H. Anderson
G. N. Anderson
George W. Anderson
John C. Anderson
Michael S. Anderson
N. H. Anderson (original and photocopy)
B. T. Argenbright
George W. Arnold
John W. Arnold

Albert Baker
C. W. Baker
Jacob Baker
James B. Baker
John R. Baker
M. R. Baker
James W. Barr
M. L. Barr
Oscar Barr
Robert T. Barton
J. W. Basore
J. W. Bayliss
Milton Bayliss
Eugene W. Baylor
H. D. Beall
C. E. Bell
J. Vance Bell
John F. Bell
Edmond N. Boggs
William F. Bowers
David F. Boyce
John P. Boyce
E. Holmes Boyd
J. E. Boyd
P. W. Boyd
Lewis Brady
G. W. Bragg
D. N. Bragoner
Thornton Braithwaite
C. H. Brown
J. R. Brown
J. D. Bruce
Robert P. Bryarley
J. B. Burgess
R. C. Burkhart

C. H. Cadiz
J. H. Carter
T. K. Cartmell
N. H. Carpenter
J. S. Chamblin
John B. Chapman
E. D. Cherry
R. S. Chipley
Charles H. Clark
James Clark
George A. Coffman
W. B. Colston
John T. Colston
J. N. Cookus
James R. Coontz
R. M. Cooper
C. J. Copenhaver
Frank E. Conrad
Holmes Conrad
Wm. G. Conway
John H. Crebs
Jacob Crisman

John W. Daniel
William A. Davis
Henry Deahl
C. W. DeHaven
G. W. Dellinger
Isaac H. Dellinger
Henry A. Dinges
Peter Dinkle
Upton Lawrence Dorsey
H. G. Dovel
R. H. Dulany

Membership Applications, 1891-1905, 22 folders, manuscript on printed form (photocopy) (the following includes letters E through H)

Folder E: 2 leaves

Folder F: 10 leaves

Folder G: 12 leaves

Folder H: 22 leaves

George W. Eagle
L. C. Everly

Isaac H. Faulkner, Jr.
W. W. Faulkner
Alfred Ferguson
Martin Ferguson
Isaac M. Fisher
W. H. Fleet
John H. Ford
C. H. Forsyth
Walter E. Frankland
John W. Fuller

Bruce Gibson
H. W. Glaize
John Glaize
N. W. Gore
James K. Gray
Reid L. Gray
Charles H. Grim
George W. Grim
James Robt. Grim
James Thomas Grim
Philip Grubbs
H. Guard

F. T. Hagan
David Hamilton
Laurence Hamman
John R. Harmer
William H. Harness
William Haycock
George W. Haymaker
James Haymaker
William Heflin
John H. Heishman
Casper C. Henkel
William H. Herbert
H.A. Herrell
James T. Hiett
Jos. T. Hiett
Owen Higgins
John F. Hobson
John R. Hodgson
William F. Hottel
Thomas L. House
R. W. Hunter
Rev. John R. Hyde

Membership Applications, 1891-1905, 22 folders, manuscript on printed form (photocopy) (the following includes letters J through Mc)

Folder J: 7 leaves

Folder K: 7 leaves

Folder L: 16 leaves

Folder Mc: 11 leaves

Lafayette Jackson
W. M. Jefferson
E. F. Johnson
Bev. R. Jones
John R. Jones
W. R, Jones
W. R. Jones, Jr.

Cornelius Kiger
Daniel W. Kline
H. Clem Knibs
B. M. Knight
James P. Kremer
George W. Kurtz
Robert I. Kurtz

George W. Lambden
J. Lyle Langley
John H. Lamis
J. H. Lamley
John K. Lewis
R. H. Lewis
William G. Lewis
B. M. Lockhart
Lloyd D. Logans
J. W. Lupton
R. C. Luttrell
James H. Lyder
George B. Lynn

James H. McCarty
C. P. McCord
George W. McCormick
John McCoy
F. McDonald
James H. McDonald
M. E. McDonald
Dr. William P. McGuire
Charles W. McVicar

Membership Applications, 1891-1905, 22 folders, manuscript on printed form (photocopy) (the following includes letters M through P)

Folder M: 13 leaves

Folder N: 5 leaves

Folder O: 2 leaves

Folder P: 12 leaves

C. J. Manning
F. J. Manning
Josuah Marple
I. M. Mason
W. B. Mason
Samuel Miller
W. F. Miller
R. Bruce Muse
W. H. Myers

S. Baker Neill
P. G. Neville
George R. Nipe
George H. Noakes
J. H. Noland

John W. Orndorff
T. Orndorff

D. Randolph Page
Martin S. Payne
O. F. Payne
W. A. Pearson
Wm. A. Pence
Mason C. Pendleton
William H. Perrygore
George W. Pifer
P. Piper
V. Plum
W. H. Powell

Membership Applications, 1891-1905, 22 folders, manuscript on printed form (photocopy) (the following includes letters R through V)

Folder R: 19 leaves

Folder S: 23 leaves

Folder T: 9 leaves

Folder V: 2 leaves

John Ray
P. H. Reardon
Edward J. Reed
J. W. Ritter
William Ritter
R. S. Robertson
Edward Rodeffer
J. Rohr
Thos. L. Rosser
B. Rothgele
Chas. B. Rouse
Milton Rouse
N. D. Rudolph
J. N. Rudy
Isaac W. Russell
James B. Russell
J. R. Rust
J. C. Rutherford

H. C. Schenck
Wm. Seabright
J. M. Sencindiver
Champ Shepherd
D. J. Shepherd
Charles D. Shiner
J. W. Shiner
Levi Shipe
C. Shull
Benj. F. Smith
D. H. Smith
Robt. G. Smith
W. D. Snead
L. Spur
John Stephenson
W. Roy Stephenson
David H. Stickley
Hugh B. Striker
Robt. J. Striker
Vance W. Striker
Augustus Swartz
S. J. Swimley

George W. Taylor
W. H. Taylor
James H. Tharp
G. A. Timberlake
Harry Timberlake
Thos. W. Timberlake
J. B. Tremary
R. E. Tremary
S. S. Turner

James H. Vance
W. H. Vermittis

Membership Applications, 1891-1905, 22 folders, manuscript on printed form (photocopy) (the following includes letters W through Y)

Folder W: 13 leaves

Folder Y: 2 leaves

L. A. Wall
W. W. Wall
George W. Ward
E.V. H. Weems
J. G. Wetzel
Dr. W. J. Whitlock
Wm. L. Wierman
James F. Wiley
J. M. Wilkinson
Jno. J. Williams
Dr. T. Clayton Williams
L. E. Woodward
T. O. Wyndham

W. S. Yeakley
Edward Young

BOX 7 - Correspondence, 1892-1903, undated

Undated, 24 leaves, manuscript, typescript, printed

1892, 5 leaves, manuscript

1893, 4 leaves, manuscript

1894, 24 leaves, typescript, manuscript, 3 pamphlets, printed

1895, 51 leaves, manuscript, typescript, 3 pamphlets, printed

1896, 36 leaves, manuscript, typescript, printed

1897, 28 leaves, manuscript, typescript, printed

1898, 35 leaves, manuscript, typescript, 1 pamphlet, printed

1899, 34 leaves, manuscript, typescript

1900, 39 leaves, manuscript, typescript, 3 pamphlets, printed

1901, 20 leaves, manuscript, typescript,1 pamphlet, printed, 3 flyers, printed

1902, 54 leaves, manuscript, typescript, 10 pamphlets, printed

1903, 44 leaves, manuscript, typescript, 3 pamphlets, printed

BOX 8 - Correspondence, 1904-24

1904, 45 leaves, manuscript, typescript, 122 flyers, printed

1905, 21 leaves, typescript, manuscript, 4 pamphlets, printed

1906, 15 leaves, typescript, manuscript, 1 pamphlet, printed

1907, 19 leaves, typescript, manuscript, 1 pamphlet, printed

1908, 13 leaves, typescript, manuscript, 16 post cards, manuscript

1909, 4 leaves, typescript, manuscript, 1 form, blank, printed 2 pamphlets, printed

1910, 1 leaf, printed

1911, 4 leaves, typescript, printed

1912, 6 leaves, typescript, manuscript, printed

1913, 1 leaf, typescript

1914, 8 leaves, typescript, manuscript

1915, 2 leaves, typescript, manuscript

1917, 12 leaves, printed, typescript, manuscript

1918, 6 leaves, printed, typescript, manuscript

1919, 2 leaves, printed, typescript

1920, 4 leaves, printed, typescript

1921, 2 leaves, manuscript

1924, 2 leaves, typescript

Letters, Individual, H. Robinson Berkeley, October 6, 1862, 1 leaf, manuscript, encapsulated

Letters, Individual, Col. Holliday from United Confederate Veterans Committee, n.d., 1 leaf, manuscript

Letters, Individual, Frederick W. M. Holliday, January 26, 1899, 1 leaf, manuscript (photocopy)
Letters, Individual, Lucy F. Kurtz, October 1897, 1 leaf, manuscript

Letters, Individual, Major John S. Mosby, January 5, 1895, 1 leaf, manuscript (photocopy)

Letters, Individual, Thomas L. Rosser, May 2, 1895-August 22, 1897, 7 leaves, manuscript, printed (photocopy)

Letters, Individual, Charles Broadway Rouss, October 8, 1896-February 22, 1897; 3 items, typescript (photocopy)

Minutes, Resolutions, Miscellaneous, 1893-97 and undated, 47 leaves, manuscript, typescript

Veterans Cavalry Association, June 1, 1896, 2 leaves, typescript


Confederate Army Pay Statements 1862, 2 leaves, manuscript on printed form

Dues, Attendance Lists, Treasurers’ Reports 1893-1906, 26 leaves, manuscript, typescript

Dues Payments 1910-20, 12 leaves, manuscript on printed form

Financial, 1891-1909, undated,  (folder contains the following)
Financial, 1891-96, 95 items, manuscript, manuscript on printed forms
Financial, 1897-1909, 46 leaves, manuscript, manuscript on printed form, 4 booklets, unnumbered pages, manuscript on printed form
Financial, undated, 22 leaves, typescript, manuscript

Invoices Paid, May 1, 1893-July 2, 1908, 81 leaves, manuscript, manuscript on printed form

Turner Ashby Camp - Treasurers’ Records, 1892-1895, 1 book, unnumbered pages, manuscript

Treasurer’s Records, 1892-1913, 74 leaves, manuscript

Treasurers’ Reports, Ladies’ Auxiliary, 1892-1900, 1 book, unnumbered pages, manuscript

BOX 10

Action of Robert E. Lee Camp No.1, Sons of Confederate Veterans, and Robert E. Lee Camp No. 1, C. V., in Regard to Barnes’ Brief History of the United States, Richmond, VA: 1895, 1 pamphlet, 14 pages, printed

Adjutant General’s Report, 1903 and 1909, 3 booklets, printed (includes the following)
January 1-March 31, 1903, 12 pages
April 1-Decmeber 31, 1903, 30 pages
January 1-December 31, 1909, 34 pages

By-laws, Rules, Regulations, and Burial Service, Grand Camp of Virginia, 1907, 1 pamphlet, 8 pages, printed

Dedication, Confederate Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument, Richmond, Virginia, May 30, 1904, booklet, 25 pages, 3 copies, printed

Documentary History of Reconstruction (book advertisement), n.d., 2 items (folder contains the following)
Flyer, 4 pages, printed
Order form, printed

Memorandum Relative to the General Officers Appointed by the President in the Armies of the Confederacy 1861-1865, 1905, 1 booklet, 41 pages, printed

Revised Constitution, United Confederate Veterans, 1892, 1 pamphlet, 12 pages, printed

Official Report of the History Committee, Grand Camp of Virginia, 1901-03, 21 items, printed (folder contains the following)
1901 1 booklet, 32 pages, printed
1902 1 booklet, 29 pages, printed
1903 booklet, 26 pages, 19 copies, printed

Organization of 1608 Camps in the United Confederate Veteran Association, 1906, 1 booklet, 24 pages, printed

Report of the United Confederate Veterans Historical Committee, 1894-96, 3 booklets, printed (folder contains the following)
1894, 11 pages
1895, 12 pages
1896, 23 pages

Speeches at Richmond Reunion 1907, 1 booklet, 23 pages, printed

BOX 11

Roll of the Dead, Gen’l Turner Ashby Camp C. V., 1893-1902, unnumbered pages, manuscript

BOX 12

Minute book, Sept. 28, 1891-Dec. 31, 1894, 1 item, bound, manuscript

Minute book, January 1895-June 1900, 1 item, bound, manuscript

Minute book, Feb. 1, 1897-Feb. 6, 1899, 1 item, bound, manuscript

Minute book, July 2, 1900-Feb. 29, 1904, 1 item, bound, manuscript

BOX 13 – Treasurer’s Reports

Cash book, 1892-1896, 1 item, bound, manuscript

Cash book, 1895-1901, 1 item, bound, manuscript

Cash book, 1902, 1 item, bound, manuscript

Cash book, 1904-1914, 1 item, bound, manuscript

BOX 14 – Roll Books

Roll book, 1896, 1 item, bound, manuscript–veterans

Roll book, 1896, 1 item, bound, manuscript–veterans

Roll book, 1896-1904, 1 item, bound, manuscript—veterans

Roll book, 1902, 1 item, bound, manuscript—veterans

BOX 15


Gen. Turner Ashby Camp Veterans

Veterans of the Shenandoah Valley, 19th Army Corps

BOX 16 - Court-martial of Private James Miller, 12th Virginia Cavalry, 1861

Court Martial Records—J. A. Miller, Shooting of Captain Henderson 1861, 10 leaves, manuscript

Turner Ashby Camp – Records of Court Records, J. A. Miller for shooting of Captain Henderson, 1861, 48 leaves, manuscript

Court-martial – Call for Court-martial, Army of the Potomac, September 11, 1861, Winchester, VA, 1 leaf, manuscript

Court-martial Papers, 1861

Court-martial Case

Court-martial Case, continued

Court-martial Case, continued





Commissioning Certificate for James H. McCartney, April 22, 1893

 PHOTOGRAPHS:  Photographs belonging to this collection may be viewed through PastPerfect, which is available at