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Winchester Medical Center Records

Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17


Scope and Content: The collection contains reports, programs, articles, oral histories, hospital magazines and newsletters, and other materials concerning the Winchester area hospital, which opened in March 1903. Also included in the collection are historical nursing school materials, news articles and staff directories.
(3 boxes) Last updated 01/16.

 Biographical/Historical: Winchester Medical Center began as Winchester Memorial Hospital on the corner of Clifford and Stewart streets in Winchester, Virginia. It opened on March 17, 1903. When the hospital first opened, it had 12 private rooms and a ward with 24 beds. Over the years, buildings and services expanded. The Winchester Memorial Hospital Training School for Nurses was a separate operation. The school began when the hospital began in 1903. The Class of 1905 was the first class, and it contained one person, Mary Milliner. The nursing school operated for sixty years and closed in 1964. The Class of 1964 was the last class.

The new facility, an $80 million hospital complex, opened in December 1989. It is located at 1840 Amherst Street, west of Winchester. Valley Health is the parent company that owns the facility. The 411-bed hospital continues to grow as new units and services are added.

Bibliography: MMF Nursing School—Winchester Memorial Hospital, 1901-1964

Foreman, Michael M. History of Winchester Memorial Hospital Training School for Nurses 1903-1964, Winchester, Virginia. Winchester, VA: self-published, 1990.

Cite As: Winchester Medical Center Records, 1626 WFCHS/THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.


Box 1

A Healthy History, Winchester Medical Center Celebrates 100 Years—supplement to The Winchester Star, March 14, 2003—newsprint, 16 pages

Address–"The Rising Cost of Hospital Care," by Mr. H. E. Alberti, 1960, 7 leaves, typescript

Annual Report–1904, 1905, 1906, printed

Annual Report–1956, printed

Annual Reports–1965, 1966, 1969, printed

Annual Reports–1972, 1973, 1976, 1979, printed

Annual Reports–1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, printed

Building Committee minutes, 1901-1902, 1 item, manuscript

By-laws, Officers, Minutes of Organizational Meeting, May 24, 1901, 4 pages manuscript, 4 leaves typescript

Contract of Medical Services, 1944, 4 leaves, printed (photocopy)

Dedication 1989–Winchester Medical Center, 1 item, 8 pages, newsprint

"Economic Impact of Winchester Medical Center on the Local Population of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia," by Virginia Maniscalco, May 1995, 15 leaves, typescript

Fancy Dress Ball—Benefit of the Winchester Memorial Hospital; September 6, 1907,             1 item, printed

Fundraising booklet–"Winchester Memorial Hospital: Doorway to Health," 1948, includes photos and floor plans, 20 pages, printed

Remarks on Growth of the Hospital, c. 1989, by Dr. Brian Landes, two leaves, transcript

Ladies Auxiliary-news articles (photocopy), membership booklet, 1985, History 1902-2002, printed, 18 pages
Membership booklet 1985-86, 17 leaves, printed

Box 2

Magazines–1988, 1989
Picture of Health, Volume 1, No. 1, 1988, printed
Picture of Health, Volume 2, No. 1, Fall 1989, printed

Memorandum to Employees, 1973-74, seven leaves, mimeograph

News articles, unnumbered items

”Spring Issue,” April 30, 1945, printed
”Christmas Issue,” December 15, 1945, printed

Newsletter for Employees -- Aug. 2, 1974, Aug., 30, 1974, Jan. 14, 1975, Jan. 31, 1975, Feb. 25, 1975, mimeograph 

Newsletters–1975, 1982, 1983, folder contains the following:
"Highlights,” 1975, printed
"Highlights,” May-December 1982, printed
"Highlights,” January-June 1983, printed

Nurses – McCone, Mary Jane; unnumbered leaves, printed—includes life information, experiences and military service of Mary Jane McCone used for an application to the Virginia Nursing Hall of Fame

Nurses -- Nursing Care Mini Tests – 15 leaves, mimeograph

Nurses -- Newsletter–1999
“The Compass–A Century of Healthcare,” Dec. 30, 1999, printed

Nurses -- Newsletter – 2012
 “Valley Health Link,” 1 item, printed

Nurses -- Nursing School-Announcement, c. 1950’s, 1 item, printed

Nurses -- Nursing School–class of 1946 reunion, 1996, 1 item, printed

Nurses -- Nursing School Graduation program, 1922, 1 item, printed

Nurses – DVD of Nurses’ Reunion, October 6, 1990 See Media Collection #1306

Patient Handbook–Winchester Medical Center

Pencil – “Hospital Auxiliary Pencil Day”, n.d., 2 items

Staff Directory, 1985-1986, 1 item, printed

Staff Directory, 2000, 2002, 2 items, printed

Staff – news Articles, Announcements – unnumbered items, printed (photocopy)

Wellnes Center and Health Depot – news articles, etc.  – unnumbered items

“Winchester Memorial Hospital Nurses Reunion,” October 6, 1990, 1 DVD, 1 VHS tape

Box 3

Administrative papers, 2 items; 1 leaf manuscript; 1 item, printed

Follies Edition—newspaper supplement published by The Winchester Star includes articles, photos of the upcoming follies, and ads of sponsors
1974-1975-1976, 3 items, printed

Follies Edition—newspaper supplement published by The Winchester Star includes articles, photos of the upcoming follies, and ads of sponsors
1977-1978-1979, 3 items, printed

Follies Edition—newspaper supplement published by The Winchester Star includes articles, photos of the upcoming follies, and ads of sponsors
1980-1981-1982, 3 items, printed

Follies programs—1968, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 8 items, printed

Follies programs—1972-1981, 13 items, printed

Follies programs—1991, 1992, 2009, 3 items, printed

Jokes used in Hospital Follies, unnumbered pages, printed

News articles, unnumbered, printed

See Media Collection #1306 – Nurses’ Reunion, October 6, 1990

Interview of Dr. Fred Cline - medical practices, 1920, SA-14-1

Chrysalis, School of Nursing, 1947, 1951-1962