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Middle Grade 1920's Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight---The 1920's!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is all about the 1920s!!!  Our titles this week are all based in or about that decade known as the Roaring ‘20s in which we were between two world wars and everyone thought life was good, but it was a time of crime, intrigue, and going against the grain.  We have a great mixture of fiction (compl

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Middle Grade Detective Stories Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Detective Stories!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is taking a look at Detective Stories!!!  Now, these stories do not have to be your traditional Sherlock Holmes type stories for them to be considered “detective”.  Instead, these stories are ones that our main characters are trying to solve and figure something out; for some it may be a murder o

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Middle Grade Medieval Times Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Medieval Times!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that are going to take us back in time to the land of knights and castles, jousting matches and a disease that could kill you within hours of infection--we are going back to Medieval Times!!!  All of our titles this week take place during the framework considered to be Medieval Tim

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21-22 Middle Grade VRC Titles Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--'21-'22 VRC Middle Grade Nominees

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is all about books that have been nominated for the Virginia Reader’s Choice (VRC) Middle School award for the 2021-2022 school year!!  The VRC award was started back in the 1980s with the goal being that students across the state choosing what they thought the best book of the year is instead of adul

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Middle Grade Hispanic Heritage Authors Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Hispanic Heritage Month Authors!!!

With it being Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th-October 15th), our middle grade book spotlight this week is on books that are authored by Latino and Latina authors!!!  These books are amazing and so many of these authors have written more than just the titles that are being featured--so if you like this one there are others you can rea

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Middle Grade Diaries Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Diaries & Journals!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is all about books that are written in a diary/journal format.  While many of us are very familiar with Diary of a Wimpy Kid, it was not the first to have a book written as a journal nor is it the only one out there.  We are taking a look at some amazing historical, realistic, and humorous title

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Middle Grade Colorful Covers Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Colorful Covers!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that have some amazing Colorful Covers!!!  Let’s be real here for a minute because we all judge and choose a book on the front cover (most of the time) even though we are told not to do so, but that can honestly lead us to read some books that we would not have picked up otherwise

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Middle Grade September 11th Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--September 11th

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on  books that examine the events of September 11, 2001.  As we approach the 20th anniversary of that fateful Tuesday, it is a date that should be remembered and examined as everything changed at home and abroad by the end of that day.  Books are an amazing way of not only reflect

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Book covers of graphic novels

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Graphic Novels!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on graphic novels!!!  Graphic novels are incredibly visual stories that can feature pretty much anything fiction and nonfiction.  Done in the style of comic books, there is a huge variety of choices; literally something for everyone so even if you have never read one before, you will d

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Middle Grade On the Ocean Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--On the Ocean!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that take place in or on the ocean leading to some pretty epic adventures!  When something takes place on the open water, it leads to scenarios that are filled with danger and choices which could lead to life or death given the limited options.  We have a great selection of ti

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Middle Grade New Books Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--New Books Pt. 5!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on  books that have recently been added to our collection meaning they are new!!!!  New books are the best; they have a new book smell and there is just something about being one of the first people to read it.  There is a great mix of fantasy, realistic, adventure, and graphic no

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Middle Grade Tales That Inspire Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Tales That Inspire!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is all about Tales That Inspire!!!  This is the final week for the 2021 Summer Reading Program and we are using this week as a launching point for you all to be inspired going into the new school year!  Inspiration means something different to everyone; some people will want to try new things whi

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Middle Grade Tales From New Places Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Tales From New Places!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is all about Tales of New Places!!!  We are taking a look at books that take place in other places that are not here; they are in other parts of the world or even in places that do not exist in the “real world” but only in “book world”.  That is one of the best things about books--they can go as

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