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Movie Night for Adults: The Princess Bride Interactive Quote-Along (18+)

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Join us in the lower level for an inconceivable, interactive showing of The Princess Bride!

A bedridden boy's grandfather reads him the story of a farmboy-turned-pirate who encounters numerous obstacles, enemies and allies in his quest to be reunited with his true love.

Subtitles will be on so you can quote-along with your favorite lines! Snacks and drinks are on us - grab some chips of insanity or Fezzik's peanuts before the show, and take a photo of yourself having fun storming the castle in our themed photo booth!

Get up to two entries into a drawing for a Princess Bride themed prize basket! The winner will be announced after the movie. 

Doors open at 6:00. The movie will begin at 6:30. No registration required. Drinks and snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring your own!