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Toast with beer glasses

What's in a Beer?

Beer is made from hops. Hops are plants. Therefore beer is a salad.Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying: “Beer is proof that God loves and wants us to be happy.” It is a good story even if it may not be true. I am happy with the rise of microbrews and craft breweries, favoring hoppy ales or IPAs over the typical American lagers.

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Watch the Skies This Month for the Geminid Meteor Shower

The Geminids are a favorite meteor shower, with the peak occurring this year on Sunday December 13. Undoubtedly, it was a Geminid meteor I saw one December night as a child, with my brothers, walking around our neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. Several characteristics help to make the Geminids a favorite. This shower can produce several meteors per hour, it is second only to the Perseids in August. Here, in August, the sky can be hazy with humidity impacting the view. December brings crisp air and the possibility of clearer skies.

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Sherlock Silhouette

7 Sub-Genres Every Mystery Lover Should Know


When the word “mystery” is typed into the HRL catalog search, over 14,000 titles appear. Our digital resources add thousands more to the list. As a mystery fan, I love all these choices! But as a library patron, I know that having all those choices can be overwhelming. How do I choose the best book for me?  Knowing and understanding the different categories of mysteries is the key to narrowing your search and finding your next great read.

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nanowrimo shield logo

NaNoWriMo is here again!

Is there a story idea cooking in your brain? Have you been meaning to write that novel but just can’t find the motivation? Are you struggling with writer’s block and want some friends to commiserate with over Zoom? Look no further! NaNoWriMo is here once more!

What is NaNoWriMo?

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Apples on tree

Enjoy the Harvest!

This time of year is ripe with fruits and vegetables fresh from the garden, famers’ markets and farm stands. So delicious! You can save a taste of summer by making preserves or jellies, pickles, drying or freezing this summer’s bounty.

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Stardew Valley Logo

Video Game Spotlight: Stardew Valley

In these stressful times, we all could use a bit of comfort. What better way to treat yourself and stave off cabin fever than by getting lost in the world of a rich and comforting game? Although Stardew Valley is on our shelves as a Juvenile title due to its E10+ ESRB rating, and although it is a great game for the whole family, I would argue that it offers even more to adult players and should not be overlooked.

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Laptop with zoom on screen including images of participants in blocks

Do You Zoom?

What is Zoom?

Have you Zoomed yet?  No, it’s not a car commercial, it is a popular platform for virtual meetings and events that has become very prevalent in the age of COVID 19.

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Bowman Lake Trail

New Walking Trail at Bowman Library!

If you have been to the Bowman Library in recent weeks you probably noticed a lot of earth moving equipment in the parking lot. Frederick County Parks and Recreation has been very busy constructing the new walking trail around Lakeside Lake and we are excited about it!

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Monarch butterfly on flower

On the Move!

Maybe you have seen them too? Orange and black; flitting from flower to flower or gliding on the breeze, the Monarch Butterflies are beginning their annual migration. One of nature’s great mysteries, the Monarch Butterflies that migrate from the eastern U.S. and Canada have never visited their winter destination. They are several generations removed from the butterflies that over-wintered in pine forests located in the mountains of Mexico.

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Series and Read-A-Likes in the Library Catalog

This blog is about another nifty feature in the library catalog that you may not have found yet. I will use two books as an example. The first book “The Sherlockian” is a historical mystery with parallel narratives. When I type the name in the search bar for the library and then click on the title, I see the page below. Notice the link on the left titled “Series & read-a-likes”.

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reference usa map

Using reference USA Part II

If you not have not read Job Searches Using Reference USA Part I, It would be good to familiarize yourself with that content, since it will not be repeated here. The previous blog may provide you with all you need to search for a job. Although we are in a pandemic with 20 million people unemployed, there are companies in our area that are hiring. A basic search (on August 11.2020) for the last seven days, within a 25 mile radius of the 22601 zip code results in 631 hits!

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legal scale cover photo

Civil/Legal Resources On-line

Sometimes we need the advice of a lawyer, but their services can be expensive. Sometimes our problems come from a lack of funds which makes hiring a lawyer that much more problematic. Fortunately, there are reliable legal resources online, that can provide us with forms, information and help us determine if we need a lawyer or not. This blog will introduce you to some of these online resources.

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Check out the Library of Congress Website!

The Library of Congress (LoC) was established in 1880 to support the research needs of the United States Congress. Over time, its mission and reach broadened, allowing it to serve as the nation’s library. As you can imagine this is quite an undertaking, making the LoC the largest library in the world! Early in this century the LoC began to digitize collections and put them online. Recently, I attended a webinar that provided a tour of features on the LoC website.

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